
Lessetarianism? Vegetarian?

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1. Have you heard of Lessetarianism

2.Is Lessetarianism considered a form of vegetarianism?

3. If i go vegetarian, what could I eat. Im not a big fan of veges.





  1. No I haven't but from the other answer I see what it is.  No it would never be considered a form of vegetarian.  Vegetarians eat no meat, period.

    I don't like veggies either, you need to try different things.  You will most likely find stuff you like, especially once you figure out how you like them cooked.  You can also add the veggies to dishes that have sauces.  There are loads of recipes on the internet that will help you out.  That is what I did.

    Good luck:)

  2. 1. )I was just checking up the word via the Net too and I found it on Wiki. It says:    Lessetarianism - A diet which focuses on reducing, but not eliminating, the proportion of animal flesh consumed.

    here's the address:

    2. )you can also find the answer at the address above. It's one of the variants among Semi-vegetaraians, i.e. Lessetarian is one of the neologyisms(new words created) based on the word "Vegetarian".  So these Lessetarians are "half- vegetarians." It's also one of the diets may be followed by those who choose to reduce the amount of animal flesh consumed, or sometimes as a way of transitioning to a vegetarian diet.

    3. )There are a lot of foods you can eat even if you go vege. Take myself as an example, I've been a vegetarian for 1 and a half years. I started from being a Lessetarian, that is to say, i ate fish and vegetables for 3 months and then became all vegetables. Going vege is not all about if you like veges or not, but about helping the earth and becoming more healthy.

    1.Why the earth?   Environmental vegetarianism is based on the belief that the production of meat and animal products for mass consumption, especially through factory farming, is environmentally unsustainable or otherwise harmful. Recent research strongly supports these concerns.

    2.And why healthiness?  Vegetarian diets can aid in keeping body weight under control and substantially reduce risks of heart disease and osteoporosis. In addition, large-scale studies have shown vegetarianism to significantly lower risks of cancer, ischemic heart disease, and other diseases.

    3. Last but not the least, it is more moral and good for the economic animals.

    I find many recipes one the Net and it's also a lot fun when you started to make your own recipes. For instance, I like to boli a pot of water and cram all the veges I have into the pot. I put tomatos in and it tastes really divine! It saves a lot of time and money and you can stay slim(unless you don't exercise and eat fried foods all the time.)

    You can try that too.

    I had no idea what Vegetarianism is when I was younger but now I'm really learning and gaining more ideas to it. I have a English teacher. He said "Once you go green, you never go back:)"

    If you are trying to do it and have many questions about it, here's another address that helps:

    or you can ask me with this email:

  3. 1) I looked it up after I saw your question; all it means is eating *less* meat, there are no actual dietary restrictions

    2) No, lessetarians still eat meat/fish/dairy/eggs

    3) Lots of fruit, whole grains, legumes, nuts seeds, vegetables, and eggs/dairy if you like

  4. Is "lessetariansim" being now used because "flexitarian" failed to take off ?

    Reducing meat consumption is perfect fine and valid, and often helps people decide if vegetarianism is for them. But i wonder what the motive is behind trying to attach the choice to a word that can be confused with "vegetariansim"

    Afterall, you posted it in the V&V section so it already suggests YOU think there is a connection, which clearly there is not.

    I don't eat much brocolli, but i don't go around saying I'm on a  "brocollianarianism" diet.

    some people eat less meat than others, so what ?

    The word belongs with semi / demi / pecski / flexi and should be filed under "uses unknown"

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