
Let's all agree that soccer sucks?

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i'm an american football fan. but please don't give me football players are wussies becasue they wear pads. we need pads or else we'd die running full speed at eachother. and also don't say that football players are out of shape, because we wouldn't be able to play if we weren't. there are 300+ pound lineman who can run the 40 yard dash in 4.5 seconds.

but any way, in an attempt to unite rugby and american football, can we all agree that any one whoo plays only soccer is a complete wuss?

as in, if a soccer player sprains his ankle, he's out for the game. but if a football or rugby player's leg was detatched, the coach would probably tape it back on and send him back in.

Why do you think soccer sucks?




  1. First of all it's name is football not soccer which is a name to appease those followers of imitation sports like American football and Rugby. You need skill and intelligence to be good at Football whereas the game you follow is ideal for Jocks with little up top. it's like the difference between pedigree and mongrels.

  2. Agreed!

  3. soccer should be banned for creating too much havoc.............................. and it sucks

  4. yep,soccer sucks.all that diving and crying, just to get a free kick.its pathetic.i would like soccer more if it wasnt for that.when did all that feigning injury for free kicks start anyway?

  5. Sport is diversity I like Rugby Soccer and Just about everything else. But why does AFootball players wear helmets and stuff? Look at rugby you ever see a Helmet? Have you ever seen a guy being trampled coz he is on the wrong side of the ruck? That is TOUGH. I play striker for my team and i am just under 6feet. One day the coach divided us into 2 teams and i was playing against a defender the biggest guy in our team and probably our city 2.He reaches 6 and a half feet i think There was a loose ball and me and him were both going for the ball plus the goalie . Well we reached the ball at the same time and thats all i remember. I woke up on the way to a hospital.

    I agree with you bout the fake injuries when the guys get tackled really does nothing good for the sport

  6. Where to begin...Bobjosh did you see the hit on Trent Green?  Did you watch the replay, do you know what a concussion is and what it causes?  Don't give me that he's a crybaby or a wuss because he's still not back, I'm not a chiefs or Trent Green fan, the hit was brutal and obviously damaging, but it's a part of the game.  If he tried to come back sooner, he could die because of a scond concussion...wouldn't exactly be a brilliant move on his part.  You are correct in that rugby evolved from soccer and american football from rugby, I'll give you that much.  In regards to soccer injuries, most occur because soccer players, unlike rugby and football players don't know how to protect themselves and minimize contact.  Most football and rugby players learn this naturally because your body can get knocked around when least expected, so one has to be aware of how to take the least damaging hit or landing (something Green didn't do too well).  I respect soccer to an extent, but I've seen more dives in soccer games than I've ever seen in a football game (dives do happen in football games), and if a guy takes a dive in a rugby game, they shouldn't be playing.  Also...the NFL and NCAA D1 have the most extensive drug testing policy of any professional and collegiate sport, so lineman don't run 4.5 40s because they're juicing you moron.  In regards to complete conditioning Rugby is the most taxing hands down (I've played all 3 sports though not soccer extensively)  You are constantly on the move between a run and a sprint and have little time between halves.  Not to mention forwards are also constantly scrummaging, rucking and lifting in lineouts.  Football is explosions and power, the average play is 4 seconds.  Soccer you are running a lot, but not back and forth across the field, you play one side or the other, Rugby is back and forth depending on where the ball is going next.  As far as entertainment...I'm undecided Rugby is incredible to play but I can't decided if I enjoy watching it more than Football, both are on a similar level of excitement, whereas soccer is deadly dull for 89 minutes and 30 seconds of most matches.  It's not due to the defensive nature of the game, because I enjoy hockey, it's because soccer is just not exciting.  As far as raw talent in each sport, soccer can't compare to football, which can't compare to rugby.  A well refereed, well played rugby match is a thing of beauty, and one that requires immense talent in ballhandling, kicking, running, rucking, and everything else.  Football is extremely intensive at each position, which is why there are few utility players in football, it is much easier for a forward to play midfield and a midfielder to play defense than a lineman to play receiver or a linebacker to play quarterback.  The game of american football is far and away the most intricate and has the most diverse possibilities for every play...not so in rugby and especially not in soccer (yes I know there are plays in soccer, but how many does a typical team run...5? 10?  Let's look at 10 different formations with 15 plays each, and that's a small playbook.  Try and tell me football players are dumb, they may not know a pronoun from a presbeteryian, but they know what to do on a trips left ripper max 475.  In conclusion soccer is a sport which has bred two of the best sports on Earth, and that's about the only thing its good for...unless you're trying to get over that sleeping pill addiction...

  7. soccer wicked sux! Rugby is a hooligans game played by gentlemen, soccer is a gentleman's game played by hooligans!

  8. Wow are you retarded. Did you know that american football and rugby originated from soccer? Guess not. Did you know that it takes more skill to play soccer? And don't even try to agrue that one. A football game lasts 60min, a soccer game lasts 90min, which is more tiring? There's breaks on ever down, there's constent motion in soccer. There's only three subs per game for soccer, unlimited for football. "OMG, soccer sucks cause they're not tough enough." If you looked at the amount of injuries per game for soccer and football, you'd notice that there's a lot more football injuries. You don't need an ankle in football because they hardly run. You can't play soccer without a foot. Quarterbacks get sprained thumbs or a concussion and are out for a few weeks. Trent Green suffered a concussion early SEPTEMBER and just came but this week. That's almost two MONTHS for a CONCUSSION.  And what about running backs and wide recievers who have hurt something and have came out of the game. Lamont Jordan of the Raiders missed a game because of a TOE. The reason 300+ pound linemen can run the 40 yard dash in 4.5 seconds is because they're on steriods. Most NFL players are, soccer players don't need performance inhancing drugs to be good at what they do. I agree that football players are in shape but soccer players are in better shape. If you call having great skill, class, and drug free being a wuss, then I guess soccer is a wussy sport. And I'm guessing your definiton of tough is stupid, cheaters, no class, not much skill needed, and living to the average age of 45. If you're so "tough," why don't you put on a helmet and run straight into a light post (make sure you don't miss)

    Rugby has everything over football and soccer and they're the only one's that can call soccer wussies. What I've said does not apply to Rugby.

  9. hey doug or joe or whatever your name is - you seem like doug or joe to me. a soccer player needs his ankle because he runs all over the field and it requires finess - they are RUNNING through the whole 90 minutes not 10 second intervals like you. The whole world plays soccer doug - only the us plays football and canada plays their version of it. The cannot be weak to play soccer because they have to run non stop for 90 minutes and then another 90 for second half

  10. Dude stick to your wuss version of rugby. Football doesn't suck man, yes there is a lot of c**p and diving etc, but when you watch some of the best playing you cannot help but be amazed, ronaldihno, zidane, henry, buffon, pele, maradonna, the list goes on. I've never seen a 300lb guy run 40 yards in 4.5. Maybe it's just his fat *** belly moving when he stands up, or was there a cake waiting for him at the finish line.

    Rugby and football, 2 different and great sports. Gridiron - oh dear!!

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