
Let's join together so we have greater freedom?

by  |  earlier

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Maybe the main religions (churches, the Vatican etc)

work with State (Royalty / Governments / the elite)

to oppress us...

(i.e. sell us short, so we keep needing & they stay in control)?

So... if / when we learn

to stop fighting each other...

we - the people... may finally progress

+ find our true path in life?

Great , yes?

Ah! To be FREE

(of old / traditional constraints /

conflicts / squabbles / orchestrated mayhem).

What is FREEDOM?

Good detailed definition (to enhance clarity)


Free Download: Chapter 2: The Homeless / Freedom




  1. "Maybe the main religions (churches, the Vatican etc) work with State (Royalty / Governments / the elite) to oppress us...(i.e. sell us short, so we keep needing & they stay in control)?"

    Interesting conspiracy theory.  Do you have a shred of evidence that churches and governement are working together to oppress us?

  2. Not only are they working together to supress us they are encouraging difference which leads to conflict and eventually war.  Devide and conquer is their plan.  Most Americans are not aware that the US has signed the North Americam Union treaty.  It will almagimate the US, Canada and Mexico as one country and destroying all borders.  The dollar and the American stars and stripes will go.  The new Currency is called the nemero, google it and see.  Their plan is to reduce the world population by 85%.

    And while your at it go to you tube and type in Dr Gallo, he was financed by the US government in the sixties to come up with a deadly virus to reduce the black population in Africa. They named it Aids! And now they are trying to vaccinate the whole black population of Africa and the vaccinations include the aids virus!!! Mass genocide, but hey you wont find a word of this in the mainstream media because it is controlled by the powerful elites.

    Do you think your vote counts? Think again. It's a fix computerised or not. So called different politicians are different horses from the same stable! They play out a theatrical game in front of the public to hoodwink us into believing that we have a choice and that our vote actually counts! This is brainwashing! Lets wake up!!! Don't listen to what the mainstream media tell you, because its all lies! Don't believe me? do your own research and go to you tube and type in CLINTON CURTIS computer voting machine and you will see the inventor of the voting machines under oath swearing in court that the machines have been programmed to fix the voting.

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