
Let's make it fun.. Who's got a question about Vampires?

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Anything at all. I wanna see what people know... or what they don't. I want to know where you think Vampire Coven's are in your local area, what myths and facts you know and most of all whether you believe in them or not.. or maybe even certain aspects about them you believe to be factual.




  1. Many years ago I shared a house in East Sydney with a girl who swore she was a vampire.

    I had never met one before so I only had the flatmate's word for it that they deprive themselves of sunlight until their skin is grey and spend a lot of the daytime alseep. At first I just thought she was a lazy cow who didn't work.

    Later on I realised I had been right at first.

    That's what I know about vampires.

  2. Ancient, aren't we all at least a little bit obsessed with that we admire?

  3. 2.  That might be true, but I believe they can.  It just depends on the story or book.  I read this one manga (Vampire Knight) and they can have kids.

    3.  Yeah usually they're extremely pale and beyond gorgeous, but I don't think they have to have dark hair or eyes.  In VK they didn't and in this book I'm reading, a character doesn't have dark features.  

  4. all i know is movies and tv shows in my fantasy they all look like henry fitzroy from bloodties

  5. lol have you been reading the twilight series??

    can vampires have children?


    -ive read the last book and done. some research vampires CAN have children. [bella does to edward] har har.


    hope i didnt spoil it :]

  6. i believe in them, and ive seen them. but you know what? you really dont know a thing about real vamps. you read books and folklore, thats it, and until you actually meet a real vampire, not a fake one, then your just another vampire obsesses teenager.

  7. Vampires cannot have children for the simple fact, they're dead.

    Vampires do have super strength, and have complete control over their bodies, however they cannot fly or transform into mist or animals. Vampires can be g*y, after all they were once human too.  

  8. lycanthropy is not for vamps lycans are were-wolves


  10. Why do people keep telling me I look like a vampire?  What is the stereotype of one?

  11. I get my information about vampires from the Twilight series.

  12. Ke, I don't have a clue of where you are getting you answers from , But I would like for you to tell me in a private message if that is ok by you...................Now Ke, Normally I would just pass something like this up and not be bothered with such non-sense.... But who knows maybe just maybe that someone that you are giving your false advice to may place their lifes in real danger from these very real existing creatures... And that I can't allow... First off there is no such thing as a g*y vampire they never existed nor will they every exist.... And no vampire or werewolf is ever confused... For they have one function and that function is to butcher and kill... And there is no vampire or werewolf that can change a human into a werewolf or vampire all they can do is kill them and leave their very dead bodies to rot.... And neither one of them are just creatures of the night for they can attack a person at any time night or day........ The the demon with in these creatures are imortal and not the beast themselves... And because vampires demonic controlers have the power of illusions is why they can appear as anything that human find attractive... But a mirror give it all away...... And a werewolf is human without it demonic comtrolers but a vampire is a dead human corpsed re-animated by its demonic controler........... Plese ke, stop giving people your bad advice for it could get them very dead................

  13. Are vampires afraid of werewolves?

  14. in the x files vampire myth originated in asia, scully said it was often mistaken for vampirism,and as a disease called it lycanthropy. it was early i think,1000 ad.

    oversion to blood. what she said.  werewollves included.

    same disease different time and culture.

  15. How do they suck blood from teeth?

  16. heres one... Can vampires be g*y?

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