
Let's play make believe..shall we?

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So suppose McCain is nominated as president---how will he resolve the current state of our country? What will he do with the following:

(just pick one or two if possible)

1) War

2) Economy

3) Deficit

4) Foreign Policy

Thanks for your input!




  1. 1. War, we are not in one, but if you are talking about the insurgent conflict in Iraq, we are and have been pulling troops out for the last year, and we have just turned over the anbar province to the iraqi to control, we will be out of there by 2010.

    2. Economy, not sure what the problem is there, as we have experienced Unemployment at an all time low of 4.5% over the last 7 years, personal income up higher than ever, minimum wage increased to its highest mark, the manufacturing and service industry was at an all time high in decades, the stock market is Twice what it was under Clinton, first time home owners and buyers was the highest ever, the housing market sky rocketed (until the Individual over extended themsleves by taking sub-prime loans with no investment) the working wage went UP. Gas prices could be better but that is not control by the President.

    3. Stop foreign aide at $480 BILLIION a Year and stop funding the World Food Bank at $352 Billion a Year.

    4. Foreign policy is just fine thanks!

  2. 1 - win the war.  (wince - I know you probably want to see us fail in Iraq as does the typical liberal)

    2 - Lower taxes and cut big government, thus stimulating the economy.  

    3 - Flows from answer 2.  With more wealth and less government to take it from the people, we'd have much more to pay the deficit.  Plus drilling would create jobs and additional wealth for this country.

    4 - Keep us safe from terrorist threats.  Obama would appease our terrorist enemies the same way Hilter was appeased.  Those who plot against our nation see appeasement as weakness and are emboldened by it.  In fact, our enemies want Obama to win.  That can't be a good sign.  

    Now here is Obama

    1)  Ensure that we lose the war

    2)  Expand government to take and redistribute the wealth of the people

    3)  Big government means additional defecit

    4)  Appease our enemies and bring down our country

  3. 1. War -- Stay the course in Iraq.  Ignore Iraq's wishes for us to leave.  He will not increase troops in Afghanistan.  The Taliban and Al Qaeda will get stronger and grow in numbers.  There will be more terror attacks because of McCain's ignorance.

    2. Economy -- He needs to get "educated" on economics before anyone can suggest what he will do.  I have not heard him talk about an economic plan.  He should have picked Mitt Romney as VP.  At least he knows about economics.

    3. Deficit -- He will increase the deficit by continuing to spend $10 billion per month in Iraq.

    4. Foreign Policy -- He will continue to alienate the US from the rest of the world.

  4. two and four



  6. Let's not play make believe.  Let's pay attention to what he said he will try to do.  War.  The war in Afghanistan isn't going anywhere. That will still be with unless we surrender.  Iraq.  That war is winding down and should be done soon.  Economy.  the deficit and economy are related.  McCain wants to reduce spending, especially pork.  McCain's energy proposal includes more of everything we have now and alternative energy sources.  He also supports drilling to replace the $58B a month we spend on foreign oil with our own energy sources which basically echos

    T. Boone Picken's plan to have all of our energy come from America.  Foreign Policy.  No unconditional negotiations with rogue nations and maintain a strong defense.  These are his agenda and there is no need to play make believe.

  7. He wouldn't be nominated for President, he would be elected.  But that is a small point.

    War:  Continue the steps needed to win this war and form an exit strategy that is reasonable and attainable.

  8. (1 ) Allow More of our Military to be killed so he can be Commander.

    (2) Nothing, he said he know nothing about economy.

    (3) Put us in more debt so he can Command the Wars he starts.

    (4) Fight, Fight, Fight, to h**l with America and Her Economy!

  9. 1) Bomb the He!! out of our enemies

    2) lower interest rates

    3) see #2

    4) strengthen our relationships with our allys

    Your turn, how about Osama's plans?

  10. Former POW for 8 years at the same POW camp as McCain " Dr. Phillip Butler " said that he does not support McCain as president because of McCain's volatile temper . Dr Butler expressed great concern about McCain's infamous temper when it come to the possibility that McCain would have access to the RED NUKE button. As a widow of a disabled veteran - I tend to believe what so many of our veterans from that time have to say about McCain.

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