
Let's rephrase it, can I live on 40 dollars a day budget in philippinnes?

by  |  earlier

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including pension,food,travelling sometimes,beers and if possible once in a while dates with girls.





  1. No problem if you spend them wisely, cheap accommodation as preference number one.

  2. Visit the Philippines first and see how you like it. Talk to some of your fellow countrymen living there and ask for their first hand advice.

    You can also use these forums too.

    For that amount of money you will have to be willing to accept changes that affect your daily living standards compared to your home country.  It can be done but can you take the change?

    When you say "including pension" does that mean more money coming in or that your $40 must also pay for lodging and the other expenses??

    Good luck.  

  3. as long as u have Jesus Christ, anything is possible.

  4. U cant do it.....especially if u wana spend on girls and beers.....

  5. I'm bettin you can't pull it off.

  6. Yes. That's 1,744.82 PHP in one day. You can live for 2,000 PHP in ten days.

  7. If you're willing to rough it and live like the majority of its citizenry the whole time (i.e., cheap lodging, basic food, and transportation), then yes.

    There'll be little room to splurge...and that may be unbearable for some westerners.

    If you've never been to a 3rd world country, then you are in for a cultural shock this way, which could mean the worst vacation in your life--or the best most epiphanic experience ever.  It all depends on your outlook and open-mindedness.

  8. It's safe to have a $100 budget/day!

  9. not enough

    you need $300

  10. Not if it includes accomodation, you will probably need more like US$100 a day min for cheap room, food, beer.

  11. Assuming that you'll have a bottle of cold beer everyday and a maybe pulutuan (100php),  food (300-500php), room (800-1000), transport (maybe 500), then your 40 dollar a day would be just enough. there would be nothing left for  girls and  goodtime.

  12. Yes you can.

    To live by "Western Standards" In Manila:

    Clean furnished efficiency condo, with security guards, slow broadband internet connection, TV with cable, shower but no bath tub, rent and typical utilities $300 - $400 a month. Laundry $10 - $20 a month. If you cook for yourself and do not eat extravagantly; food $200 - $300 a month. The rest is yours to spend. You will not be living like a king but you will be comfortable.

    Keep in mind Manila is expensive compared to other areas.

    Get yourself an HONEST live in GF and she can save you a fortune in commuter and other costs for the cost of feeding her.

  13. yes...but you must know how to properly use it....

  14. Yes, you can manage to live here with that amount. But be sure to bring mosquito repellent.


  15. yes... im a college student and thats my weekly budget..duh!

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