
Let's run through this one more time:The boy is raped, which he doesn't mind, so the legal system rapes him?

by Guest67115  |  earlier

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instead for the next 18 years or so??

Was he not "victim" enough? What's in the best interests of THIS child?




  1. I dunno.  Are male rapists forced to pay child support?  If he didn't mind being raped (which is not rape), why didn't he request a condom?  How can he be a victim if he enjoyed it?

  2. First of all, I don't see him as a victim of rape. Yes, at 15 he is not technically old enough to have consensual s*x but I think we all know that it is really a situation of statutory rape at best. And in my opinion even that is stretching it.

    Anyway, yes, the legal system is f--king him over. As it does to some many other men. Why should he be any acception? He chose to have unprotected s*x and now he's paying for it. Is that fair? Maybe not, but until our legal system decides to give fathers more say in situations like these that is the way it will be.

  3. The mother was 19 when she became pregnant and the boy was 15.  That's only 4 years difference: I think that "statutory rape" requires, by definition, a significantly larger gap in age.  Was she even tried and convicted of statutory rape - or any kind of rape at all?  I suspect NOT.

    So yes, the baby's father should pay.

    *"...she MAY have committed a felony by having sexual intercourse with a minor...".  

    Just as I suspected: she hadn't been tried - never mind convicted - of anything at all.

  4. unfair sexist bs

  5. What do you mean by saying that the boy doesn't mind being raped and how does the system "rape" him? Be more specific if you want to get real answers.  

  6. If the guy got raped but enjoyed it that wasn't rape.  

  7. Shrieking Violet-In most places, statutory rape only requires a 2 year age difference.  

    Kessie- Do you think that a 15-year old woman who doesn't ask for a 19-year old man who has s*x with her to use a condom is a victim of rape?  

    This is just a sick, sick story and decision.  The judge ought to be ashamed and possibly removed from the bench.  How is this something a judge could order?  It takes a sick person to think this is a good idea.  Hopefully she goes to jail where she belongs.

    I love how everyone is turning the focus off of the boy and onto female rape victims.  While what happens to them is terrible too, and rapists should be punished severely, why can we not focus on this issue at hand?  Nobody really does care much about male rape victims.

    I don't think a lot of people read this story at all.  There isn't a real way to reverse the situation here, but if it was a 19-year old man who had s*x with a 15-year old girl, whether a pregnancy happened or not, these people would all be raising h**l.  

    If anything, he should have custody (well, his family, 15 is young to be raising a kid by himself) and SHE should be paying HIM child support.

    Thumbs down.  You know you want to hit it, I know you want to hit it.  I almost never get them for standing up for women, but get tons for standing up for men.

  8. Your question was illogical from the get go.  If the man was raped, the the woman who raped him would have to admit to the rape before asking for child support, which would mean she would be put in jail.  They the man would get sole custody of the child and could then place the child up for adoption.

    Problem solved.  Just takes a little logic!  


  9. I am sorry this attitude is prevalent.  Being forcibly violated by a object, body part, or p***s is not pleasurable despite what rape myths indicate.  Anyone who has been raped is not represented by the legal system but is merely used as a piece of evidence during a court procedure.  The actions of the judicial system merely continues to victimize the person as well as completely dehumanizes them.

  10. Actually, she's being charged for unlawful sexual conduct with a minor.

    She's being charged with a felony and she still has the child. La belle would know this if she bothered to read the article.

    I think its ridiculous, since the family she is in also has felons in it, including a step-dad who pointed a gun at Crane's sisters head.

    But god forbid dad gets custody, so she STILL gets custody.

    A felon, from a family of felons, gets custody over the law abiding dad.

    Thats nice.....

    Honestly, i think the baby should go for adoption, since the dad is 15 and the mom is a felon.

    If she is cleared, thats just bull, the baby is irrefutable proof that she comitted the felony.

    Bigfoot: Buddy, its an underage kid, they aren't allowed to give legal consent. As such, he was raped.

    Men and other women are jailed for it, we must hold her accountable as well.

    Its kind of sad, because if it was a 15 year old girl and a 19 year old man, people would ask that he be castrated.

  11. Lostfan and Colonel got it right.  If it had been a 15 year old girl and a 19 year old boy, the boy would be in jail and legally be labeled "sexual offender."  

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