
Let's say 2 people in the bottom 25 percentile iq have kids. What kind of chances do their kids have?

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Let's say 2 people in the bottom 25 percentile iq have kids. What kind of chances do their kids have?




  1. Chances for living well? Not so great.

  2. Many of our well know forefathers did not do well in school......but made history!

    The theory of IQ is not a character reference.  I've known people with high IQ's that had NO COMMON SENSE and barely can take care of themselves.

    All men are created equal, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    How silly of you to ask?

  3. Because of the propensity of IQ to "flow toward the middle", you'd be surprised to learn that the offspring's IQ could be much higher than the parents.  Because both parents have IQ's toward the bottom, the child's IQ should be statistically higher...toward the middle or average IQ.

    Einstein's parents both had average IQ's.

    However, you're problem is not with IQ in general.  It is with knowledge.  Parents pass on knowledge and work ethic to their children.  If the parents don't read, do puzzles, or engage in any intellectual pursuits (like going to museums or studying), the child will see that and find education to be unimportant.

    If a parent with a low IQ constantly tries to better himself, however, the child may also do the same.  Even a low IQ person can go to the local library and get help with passing the GED or improving his/her reading skills.  We can't all learn everything, but we can all learn something.

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