
Let's say Earth had a really bad week, earthquake, tsunami & asteroid...where is safest place?

by Guest59224  |  earlier

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I'd just like to know, if the fear factors came true and we got it from all sides, where on this planet you think you might have a chance??

I'm talk'n major survival here!! Could YOU survive?? HOW!




  1. theres those ice caves in antartica i think it is, where they're storing seeds for everying plant on earth, in case of a disaster.

    the caves are so deep into a mountain side that they can withstand nuclear war, tsunami, asteroid, and their not on a fault line (no earthquakes).

    thats where i would be hiding!! :)

  2. maybe it's going to be the end of the world..the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ..

  3. I don't think there's a safe place, it all depends on where those things happen

  4. Why not throw a nuclear attack into the mix while you're at it?

    A person would have to go underground to survive the ridiculous scenario you set up there. And no,I wouldn't survive. Very few of us

    who weren't high-ranking government officials would.

  5. White House, USA

  6. 1. seed vault

    2. couldn't survive

    3. wouldn't want to survive

  7. Probably furthest from impact

  8. in a fredg lol jk

  9. The Seed Vault. It's deep underground, it's perfect. Plus, you can grow food, so...

  10. It really depends on the disaster.  If it's an earthquake, you'll survive away from the fault line.  If it's a tsunami, you'll survive if you're inland.  If it's an asteroid, well, you probably won't survive at all, but your best chance is on the opposite side of the earth from the impact point.  

    You can kind of plan ahead for earthquakes and tsunamis- live inland, and don't live on one of our more unstable fault lines.  But you can't really plan ahead for an asteroid.

  11. in heaven.

  12. Aboard the International Space Station.  

  13. A boy told me this one.

    Hide in a urinal, cuz no one ever hits them anyways.

    I had to take his word on that.

  14. Let's say that you alone, among the billions on this earth, were to survive.  Would life be worth living?   I think not.  You'd go mad.

  15. not on Earth cause obviously surviving could be the last thing you TRY to do

  16. i think the safest is smewhere abut grund

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