
Let's say I.................?

by  |  earlier

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told a gossip I liked the pastor's husband b/c I felt so comfortable telling her. She makes me feel sort of comfortable & I rarely share with anyone; I'm really quiet. Well, do you think she told them She's the deacon's daughter. I noticed the astor's wife is kinda rude to me=( I said hello & she said hi & turned her back on me. I don't want a relationship with him; I was just expressing my feelings. I nerver had a father & sometimes I imagine him holding & comforting me when I cry. The pastor or treats me like the plague. But he kinda trated me like that before=( Do they hate me? What can I do? Do you think they know? Why would she tell? Should I dislike her now?




  1. You told a gossip..........

  2. Since you're apparently a Christian, isn't this the sort of occasion when you people are supposed to ask yourself, "What would Jesus do?"

    In my experience, people in positions of authority in organised religions are often seriously messed up and can't be trusted as far as I could throw a communion wafer. In short, churches are full of people I have no interest in spending time with.

    Maybe you should either focus on getting past your need for a father-figure or look for one among a more friendly and trustworthy bunch of people?

  3. i wouldnt worry 2 nuch if they were going to say something they would have said it already. be careful who you tell your business to not everyone has good intentions

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