
Let's say if the US manage to put their men on mars, does it mean the united states own Mars?

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Let's say if the US manage to put their men on mars, does it mean the united states own Mars? After that what would happen to the other nations get there later?? if other nations manage to get their men there. For example, China and the Chinese start to exploit mars and pollute the planet, would there be a war on Mars?




  1. The ownership of extra terrestrial real estate is governed by the Outer Space Treaty   which the US is a signature of.    It forbids any power from claiming ownership,   similar to the status of Antarctica

    to quote

    Article II

    "Outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means. "

    So any US presence on Mars would have the same status as research camp in Antarctica, it can not 'claim' the planet

  2. Considering the cost of the venture, the first manned mission to Mars will likely be a joint effort by most nations on Earth. The crew of this mission will probably be more diverse in nationalities than any of Star-Trek's ever were.  So no one nation will likely be "first" - and if anyone 'claims' Mars it would be the UN for all mankind...

  3. No.  International treaties prevent national ownership of the moon or planets.  No one is going to exploit Mars.  It would cost far more to transport material from mars to the earth than what the item was worth.  The place could be covered in gold bricks and it wouldn't be economic to go there and pick them up.  And it isn't covered in gold bricks.  Its sand and rock.  We have lots of rocks on Earth.  We don't have to go to Mars to get more.  And we certainly aren't going to fight on mars for rocks.  

  4. You've been reading too much sci-fi

  5. No,the universe belongs to nobody

  6. we can't claim the planet but we can protect our stuff so if our stuff covers the planet then we effectively "own" it.

  7. we apparently put men on the moon... do we own the moon? no...

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