
Let's say that by some fluke Obama wins the Presidency...?

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How much "change" can I expect or "hope" to save for my "future" from every dollar he taxes?




  1. You Conservatives are really too much!  You seem to have some idiotic idea that you are the only ones paying any taxes....I pay taxes every year!  I don't mind paying taxes, but I sure would like to get something for them!  Thats what alot of this is about.

  2. yea, just increase some national debt and it solves everything.

  3. What are you smoking?  Get back change?.  Not on your life.  You'll be sending more change to the Gov't than you've ever done before.  His "programs" are going to cost and cost plenty.  Your future will go down the drain if Obama's elected.  So best be voting McCain/Palin for some real "change"

  4. McCain can hardly promise a changed future with his consist past support of Bush policies. Sure, he'll parade Sarah Palin around like a prized heifer now-then she'll be put out to pasture once he wins the election.

    He double talks like a pro when confronted with the facts:

  5. Trust me my dear won't be a fluke. If you think that Mcain will win in November then I would suggest that you place your foot in the 6 foot grave that you would've dug for yourself in voting for him. He's and out of control war monger who is unfit to be the President of this United States! Look at the idiot when he does his little town hall style meetings,he looks like he's half dead and he has no energy whatsoever. You better hope we don't get Mcain for president.......or you'll be sure to either be killed by nuclear radiation fallout when we get bombed by the russians for "bomb,bomb,bombing Iran. 100 years in bout 100 years trying to get this country back to the way our forefathers wanted it to be. Oh.....and that little lying c*nt Palin isn't going to help him any, she can't even tell the truth about her daughters pregnancy.

  6. Here's what you can expect if he wins:

    - More money for welfare recipients.

    - More scholarships based solely on race.

    - More affirmative action implementation.

    - Amnesty for illegal immigrants which means a heavy tax burden on everyone else.

    - Corporations and the wealthy heavily taxed to fund his National Health Care Plan (which still wouldn't cover everyone).

    - No drilling in Alaska which means we'd still be dependent on foreign oil and paying high gas prices.

    - U.S. would leave Iraq and other overseas locations, leaving it open for the terrorists to get together to plot their attack.

    No, you wouldn't be getting any money back - you'll probably be owing every year.  We will all be taxed more to pay for all of his social programs.

  7. You will get $1000 dollars per family on gas

  8. You should "hope" to have any "change" left in your pocket.

  9. Uh...Obama wants to let you keep more of your income...McCain wants to buy himself more houses with your income...

  10. I'm willing to bet my bottom dollar that I will be better off after his presidency is over than I was before and not the other way around as was the case with Bush

    I will have health care

    I wont have to worry about my Social Security

    and I will have more money in my pocket

    Obama/Biden 08

  11. You won't get c**p. You won't have a pot to p**s in, or a window to thow it out of. Democrat for McCain/Palin 2008.

  12. Hey did you know that Mccain was a POW? And what's with Mccain starting every setence of with "my friends"? Who's he friends with? Not me, not the american people.

  13. If you're lucky, 43¢.

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