
Let's say you very suddenly died in an unfortunate accident?

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Now lets say that a few days later , your family goes through your personal possessions. Although you are dead and it really doesn't matter.... what do you have stashed that would give you shudders when you were alive thinking that your family or friends dig up?

Any skeletons in the closet?




  1. A memento from Amsterdam....if you catch my drift!

    there's stuff you can only do in amsterdam.

    oh and my underwear. i can't imagine my grandmother finding my       g-strings

  2. No, not really.

    There are maybe a couple of files on my computer that would confuse, maybe even amuse them, but certainly nothing which I have any reason to hide.

    That aside, they would have a fun job sorting out all my books, a job so awful even I haven't got round to doing it.  

  3. I didn't tell my family - why should I tell you?

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