
Let's say you were REALLY close to someone who died-Is it rude to french kiss the body at the funeral?

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The Funeral will be the last time you see the person...make it count right?




  1. usually bodies have their mouths sewn shut so they don't open.  Besides, it's not really the person you love, it's more of the shell of that person.

  2. You probably couldn't even if you tried because they usually have to break the jaw (rigor mortis and all) and then sew or glue the mouth closed.  But you go right on and try.

  3. Something is wrong with you.

  4. Not a good idea from a safety point of view.  The embalming chemicals are toxic, and that make-up they put on the body is probably from containers that have also been used on other bodies.  Just not sanitary all the way around.

  5. More like selfish; you'd be the only one getting anything out of it.

  6. Dare ya!

  7. Only if you are a necromancer

  8. you would have trouble opening the mouth, the mouth is arranged in a particular way sometimes sewn shut and by the time they are the funeral parlour they are made up and stiff.

    I would stick to given him/her a quick peck.

    If you are a necro then google " the moral guide to necrophellia"

  9. Your question actually made me laugh out loud!!!

    I suggest that you make sure no one else is around and also make sure you're not wearing lipstick otherwise it will be obvious to everyone what you've done.

    Other people might have a problem with it.

    I think it would be best just to remember you're last kiss you had together rather then try to recreate one

  10. it would be fine but sorry to say but they wire the mouth shut during the embalming process.

  11. no that is really disrespectful kiss them on the forehead

  12. why would you wana kiss a dead person?

  13. I'm just going to say, "LOL". Oh and Happy "Wendsday".  LOL

  14. That's very disrespectful towards the family. I would find it very offending. Geesh the people are in mourning and attending a funeral not a party. Just a quick peck on the forehead will do.

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