
Let's say you worked in a small company and found $300 on the floor...what would you do?

by Guest60646  |  earlier

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Let's say the company has about 25 people in it. You know that money has to be for one of your coworkers, right? In my personal opinion, the noble thing to do would be to ask around to see if someone lost the money (people I work with would be honest and say it's not theirs if it isn't). If no one claims it, then I would give the money to a responsible, honest person and let them handle it from there. I don't believe in "finders keepers" in situations like this. What would you do?




  1. You should give it to the manager to find may have been part of the store's deposit.

  2. I'd ask around, then if no one claimed it, take it to the boss incase someone comes asking.

  3. If I just found $300 I would (sorry, but it's the truth) keep it. If I heard someone say they had lost $300 then I would return it.

  4. I would return it. As a matter of fact, two years ago I lost 2 $100 dollar bills while I was at my desk at work. There are only 10 or 15 employees with access to the offices. I never got my money back. And I was hurt that one of my fellow workers could be one so dishonest. Also it was to be a birthday gift to one of my daughters. That made it double bad.

  5. give it to manager to return it to owner. Anything else is like a bad sin

  6. Let it be known that you found some money. Whoever lost it will know how much. If no one claims it, then it should be yours.

  7. It's not yours so why keep it?!?!  I guess you have more money than I do.

  8. I'd do the same thing. I believe in honesty.

  9. I would do the same but you have to follow up on how that money is handled if none one claims it. I know of the same situation and believe it or not but the "honest person" who the 'money' was handed into kept the bracelet ....

    If it's cash it should be used for a work lunch or something or an object should be returned to the finder (either after 90 days)

  10. I agree with you.

  11. It's not "finders keepers" when it's this easy to figure out who the money belongs to.

    I would make a general announcement that soomeone dropped something on the floor and I would hold it for them so they could claim it (or give it to a trusted manager/supervisor). Whoever dropped it would be able to say that it was money, and be able to give the amount.

  12. I think the best thing to do is first ask around and ask if they lost money. Be sure NOT to state the amount. If someone says "yes, I did," ask how much. If it's around the $300 you can talk it out with them. If nobody claims it, or if someone claims it, you still will want to talk to the manager because the money was left on his floor. As long as the manager's trustworthy, that is.

  13. I would see if anyone lost something anything.  And go from there.  What you say I definitely agree with.

  14. $300 bucks is just too much to take.

    its almost like stealing.

  15. We reap what we sow.  You did the smart thing.

  16. Agree

  17. I would ask around, but say "Have you lost any money?" See if they know how much is missing. If they can't name a ballpark amount, they are likely lying. If they know how much you found it's probably theirs.

    Update: I would probably ask around myself, not bring it to the boss like others have suggested. Who says the boss is more trustworthy than you? Anyway if word gets around that you're doing the right thing, should be okay.

  18. I agree with asking around to see if anyone had lost any money.  Don't say how much.  Just ask around.  I'm surprised other people, especially in that company, would say just keep it.  What if you find out who it is and realize the reason they are having a miserable weak is because they just lost their grocery money for their family.  That will eventually affect company morale and  productivity for the week.

  19. I think most people would do the honest thing. I'd take it to my boss first, see if there was some way it could be announced throughout the business. If not, I'd ask around. I would do the same thing for any amount larger than $5.

    If I find a dollar I pick it up then put it in a donations box the first time I see one.

  20. Idwould really liken to of kept it!!! But Id feel guilty in the end.Id have to turn it in to the office the next day. WWwwhhaa!

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