
Let's see if I can ask a questions that doesn't get deleted!!!?

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Jesus, 3/4 questions shot dead. Usually I enjoy being violated... sheeesh.

1.) Who exactly does "chatting" hurt? When people ask thought provoking or funny questions or give solid answers I enjoy acknowledging them...

2.) Which NHL franchise (or historical tyrannical figure) would Yahoo be most comparable to?

Now, on a lighter note?

3.) Do you or any friends/family members have any funny sayings that you wish would catch on? When you did something that didn't make sense in a game my old coach used to say "that's like putting sh*t on toast!" I thought it was hilarious.

4.) What is the NHL's scandal? I've been listening to sports talk radio and ESPN and they have been talking about the "black eyes" across the major sports, Steroids and Performance Enhancers in Baseball, Spygate in Football (and Steroids) and the criminal actions of many players in the NFL, The Referee scandal in the NBA. Why does hockey get no recognition for seemingly being "clean"?

One more to come...




  1. 1. Considering you can't actually chat on Y/A  my guess is nobody

    2.  For the regular user's of this section i would say Montreal

    for the Troll's i'd say the Leafs....that was an easy one

    3. it's not mine but...Fine thing....Other cavemen get to go swimming

    4. Because there is no dirty laundry as of yet...Negativity sells just like regular news anymore. also called sensationalism

  2. ******* Yahoo!Answer Yahoos

    1) It hurts the one that's not chatted with.  Though I agree with ackowledging people for good answers.

    2) I'll say the Lightning since they get good players but then trade them off because they want the payroll down.

    3) I'd be very afraid if you guys started saying phrases my family says.

    4) Because being clean means **** for ratings.

    5) The Big sponsor would be Coors since they're about having the coldest beer.

    "The Toughest, Fastest, and Coolest game on earth.

    Freckles: There's nothing g*y about DDR.

  3. 1.This is getting ridiculous.

    2.Buffalo Sabres.Have great people on their team BUT nobody wants to stick around anymore so their going elsewhere.

    3.Well after meeting Brian Propp when I was 10 I asked for an auto and he said "Sure kid,hold my beer" after every goal he scored that's what I would yell.Silly but it was a thing I shared with my dad who was also there.

    4.The Crash by Dany Heatley that killed Dan Snyder was a biggie especially since he was drunk when it happened.

    Slogan-"The NHL....Would you rather watch golf and the plaid pants?"

    EDIT-I don't want to be accused of chatting so I'll say it here..Well said in my question Iceman.

  4. Don't feel bad my question deleted for chatting...

    This is war....trolls better watch out...they just pissed off the wrong woman!!!

    I'll answer your question in a bit....


    1. Everyone duh!!! Because be a huge social network like Yahoo...god forbid the users get to know each other in the SOCIAL ENVIROMENT THEY PROVIDE!!!

    2. Atlanta Thrashers...bad management

    3. My uncle Tim always yells "Holy Chicken Nuts" during hockey games...

    4. I don't think theres really a Scandal...unless you count underage drinkers..but hey..thats everywhere

    5.) Blue Moon.....Bloody and Bruised never looked so good..

    (sorry need more coffee)

  5. 1.  I have no idea.  I never thought  "chatting" was a negotive issue.  I do the same.

    2.  I haven't finished my first cup of coffee today, and therefore can't think for myself.  Joe's answer was great.  The Buffalo Sabres...

    3.  Coach: "Kitty Bar the Door" (part of the second intermission talk...we thought it ment batten down the hatches/balls to the walls...but no one knew for sure) "A Spade is a Spade" (It is what it is).  "Let's Get The H*LL out of Dodge" (we lost a lot).  

    4. Anyone remember Sudafed?  - old article.

    5.  I kind of like the "Coolest Game on Ice" Solgan.


    The NHL, sponsored by the US ARMY: "We take the hits so you don't have to"  - This might already be their solgan...but I thought is could be hockey specific.

  6. 1) Chatting hurts us all.  Yes it is true.  Being social is a bad thing.  Us chatting is  a menice to society.

    2) I would have to say Stalin.  You bad, to Gulag in Siberia.

    3) Your only as good as your last s**+*t.

    4) Haha, it is who dented the cup and why it was fixed so soon.

    5) Liquid Plumber - It will help drain that big pile of **** know as the NBA

  7. 1. It doesn't hurt anyone unless its intentionally mean.

    2. Mussolini, tried to be badass, couldnt make up his mind.

    3. "Mas tequila", my friends and I stole it from Sammy Hagar, but use it to mean, "Fricken a, go nuts!" Like if one fo us were to get fired and get a call form a bill collector, we'd clink our beers together and go, "Eh! Mas tequila!" We also say, "Ibor city! Its like a junior mardi gras! Cause youre a big kid at junior mardi gras!" Uusually describes soem guy who is way too old to be acting like a frat boy. OH! And "ies do uts" is like "wow, youre retarded"

    4. No good deed goes unpunished, just wait.

    5. "Hockey! Totally not as g*y as Dance Dance Revolution!"

  8. 1.) I got a violation for "chatting" that's why i left for awhile cause it pissed me off soooo much.  

    2.) Gary Bettman.  Not letting the people of value to his cause do what they do best.  

    3.) Mine's surprisingly close to your's.  My 5'2" Indian aunt; "Oh my I am far too hung over to go to work, Mark call my boss tell him i feel like c**p on toast."  

    4.) Refs are a pretty big topic of discussion in hockey, we've just never caught the actually taking cash for F-ing with games.

  9. 1.) Who exactly does "chatting" hurt? When people ask thought provoking or funny questions or give solid answers I enjoy acknowledging them...

    - Great Question! If someone knows the answer, please, let me know. From what I gather, the Absentee Administrator doesn't mind that our personality shows in our questions and answers. What they do seem to mind is when our personality exceeds the boundary of bland. I've been trying to get them to loosen their garters about this but its like talking to a wall - only that most walls have more intelligence.

    What doesn't help is that Trolls have as much access to the reporting feature as any well-meaning, tolerant user. They must think we are all stupid.

    One thing I haven't had a problem with so far is that I tend to answer questions that are really information seeking one's and I try to answer them as accurately as possible. Then I can inject my personal statements or off the wall comments. Its when I got carried away with answering questions that aren't really information seeking that I have had violations.

    And then there were the times when I expected them for the malicious tone that permeated my question or answer.

    2.) Which NHL franchise (or historical tyrannical figure) would Yahoo be most comparable to?

    The Romanov's of Imperial Russia during the 19th century.

    Now, on a lighter note?

    3.) Do you or any friends/family members have any funny sayings that you wish would catch on? When you did something that didn't make sense in a game my old coach used to say "that's like putting sh*t on toast!" I thought it was hilarious.

    - I bet I can find a monkey that's better than you.

    4.) What is the NHL's scandal? I've been listening to sports talk radio and ESPN and they have been talking about the "black eyes" across the major sports, Steroids and Performance Enhancers in Baseball, Spygate in Football (and Steroids) and the criminal actions of many players in the NFL, The Referee scandal in the NBA. Why does hockey get no recognition for seemingly being "clean"?

    - I'm not aware of any publicized scandals involving the NHl. But we are talking about the NHL - which is worse than the Ewing's on the old "Dallas" TV series.

    5.) The NHL tabs you as the new head of marketing. Who do you want as the NHL's "Official Sponsor"? What is your opening slogan?

    - Earl Scheib. "We'll paint over any problem for only 99 dollars."

  10. 1) Honestly, no clue.. I'd love to know the answer.

    2) hmm.. good question - i got no idea... lol

    3) my mom, rest in peace, used to say "get up your bum" when she wanted one of us in the house to get up and move somewhere else. It was adorable hearing her say that haha.

    4) I think steroids are major no-no. If you're not as bulky or something, use that to your advantage. Many kids out there aren't bulky either, and they need that hero to be there to say "just because you aren't big, doesn't mean you can't be in a professional sport" and whatnot. Hockey is rarely ever considered  'clean' from people outside of the sport, because all they see is "OMGGGGG THOSE TWO GUYS ARE FIGHTING WHY AREN'T THE REFS BREAKING IT UP!"

  11. 1) Beats me.  If I don't care for something I just ignore it.  

    2) Dallas.  They're sort of everywhere in the hockey world, they peaked in the late 90's, but nobody really knows why.

    3) Upon seeing a pair of hideously ugly pants, my old man remarked "get me two of those- one to s**t on, and one to cover it up with".

    4) The NHL's scandal is the lockout.  

    5) The NHL- I'd just show Ryan Malone's face with the caption "10 minutes", and transpose that the litany of injuries that baseball and basketball players face (and their time out), Eldrick Woods (10 weeks for his knee owie), and show a few morbidly obese NFL linemen.

  12. 1.)  Chatting brings down the quality of yahoo answers. Y!A was designed as a place where you ask and answer questions and share your knowledge with others from around the world. If you wish to chat, there are other forums out there on the internet that are designed solely for this purpose. (Thats yahoo, not me. I think its BS, and the dumbest rule out there)

    2.) Leafs- they are both screwed up lately

    3.) Hmm. Not that I can think of right now. I'll get bak to you on this one

    4.) The NHL's scandal hasn't come yet. Maybe people don't want to talk about it because it is a good thing about the NHL. Usually the only time the NHL makes national headlines is when there is something negative(talking about low ratings, or Chris Simon-like incidents)

    5.) Nike. Just watch it!

  13. 1) It seems to me that asking thought provoking or even humourous questions was the intent of this forum. As is giving great answers or opinions. Chatting on the other hand, I would think, sucks up an exhorbatant amount of their computer space.

    2) Funny you should ask that qvestion. My wife, Eva, an I were saying how we needed more lebender Raum. Ve decided to recruit dien axis. Dos Gestapo en forming zu die Landarbeiter sicherstellen sollten in der Linie. Auch zur surpress Redefreiheit und das einzelne Denken. Heil !!!

    3) Not really. It's better to be able to spit out an original when needed.

    4) Did you forget, we got Bettman. How much scandal do we need?

    5) Sponsor - Lepages (glue)

    Slogan - Stick around folks, this could get interesting.

    Ok, that's Leaf marketing anyway.

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