
Let's take 100 years off. Who's with me?

by Guest56408  |  earlier

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The US should take off 100 years. Just isolate ourselves from the rest of the world. Take 100 years to get our own house in order. We should take care of ourselves first and forget about the rest of the world. h**l, the world needs us more than we need them. We could tell the rest of the world to just leave us alone. Pull all our diplomats close our borders and warn anyone if they mess with us, we'll just NUKE them. Leave us alone, we'll leave you alone. What do you think?




  1. explain to me how we will be able to import or export anything - most importantly, oil - if we disconnect ourselves from the world

  2. ....

  3. would never work

  4. Good idea but it will never happen.

  5. I'm in favor of isolationism but I think we would have to keep some trade going. Say like one bushel of wheat for 100 barrels of oil or something like that.

  6. I say to heck with it, lets just nuke everyone now, and if any survivors ask tell them that Iran did it, those bastages

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