
Let's talk about death today OK?

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Do people see their death before it happens? What exactly happens when you die? Why do people do things before they die? Like clean out there closets, take can goods to drop-off pantries, try on their own burial clothes, sweep, mop, talk about your childhood life; When you were young, and constantly say, " I see the light." You can clearly see these signs before someone dies; Do you feel death when it comes? Has anyone ever had a near-death exiperence? I did last year on a rollercoaster ride in Magic Kingdom Park in Flordia; My head hit the side of the my rollercoaster seat; I went out for about 5 mintues and came back. I'm afraid of death; Not when I'm going to die, where, but how afraids me. Do you wonder how death looks? Will Jesus come to you when you die or will this thing come; With this black cloak on and a hedge knife; Like some kind of immortal being or something with no soul? It's the fact in your mind that you will die; That can never change at all.




  1. You must get over your fear or it will ruin your life...when we die our spirit leaves our body and goes to another dimension and that is all I know so far, being here on earth in a physical body...but there is nothing to fear...I have communicated with spirits and they tell me this...

    I worked as a cancer nurse for years and saw many people die...usually if you are ill you see it coming...if you die in an accident you don't realize what's coming...

  2. It's very hard to explain such a thing. But I will try to answer.

    If I were to die, then I would reflect on my life and try to remember when I was afraid. I would try to think about what good things there would be in death.

    Your fear of death is natural; I'm afraid, too. No one but you can overcome it.

    I almost got abducted (or mugged, I wasn't sure what the guy was trying to do) I got really scared.

    I think that Jesus will come to you when you die. It shouldn't be a time to be in fear. You're a good person. If you are evil or whatever, then I think he won't come.

  3. First of all, I'd like to say that no one knows exactly what happens when you die, so I'd like to disclaimer this by saying that my answers are all theory based on personal experience and the experiences of people I know.

    From my mother's experience as a nurse, I can say that I believe that people know when it's their time to go, especially if they've been ill or injured. This being said, I think that this can explain why someone would clean out clutter and donate things. My grandmother's friend passed away recently, and about a week before her death she became obsessive about going through her attic. I think that we all have an idea that death might be 'coming' in some sense... I believe that its a kind of instinct.

    My mother had a near death experience (she had pneumonia and was in a coma for 11 days) and she said that she knew that it wasn't her time to die, even though she said she saw "the light".

    I think that in some sense, all of us are afraid of death. Even if we are faithful, we can't help but fear the unknown; its in our nature. You shouldn't feel bad for fearing death.

    I think we all wonder what death will be like, and whether we'll be greeted by anyone, and whether that person will be welcoming (ie, Jesus, family members, etc) or fear inspiring (The Grim Reaper, etc) But I don't know the answer to that question. The best I can say here is to trust in your faith, whatever that may be.

    But yes, none of us can escape death, and I think somewhere deep down we all wonder and think about what it will be like.

    If you'd like to look into the topic further, there are many many books on the subject available. I'm currently reading a book called "Journey of Souls"... I forget who wrote it, but he's a psychologist who used hypnosis to treat his patients. It's based off of the idea of reincarnation, and the author believes that he discovered a way to speak directly to our soul about the process of death and reincarnation.

    Best of luck to you. If you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to email me.

  4. Why don't you read On Death & Dying by Kubler-Ross or the Pagan Book of Living & Dying by Starhawk.  Death is an unavoidable part of life.

  5. That was not "A" question..that was 11 questions..I can count.and its not worth the 2 points to even bother...try again.

  6. I think we go on. I'm not sure as what. We just go on. I don't believe in reincarnation or in Heaven and h**l. I came close to dying several times in 1970, but I'm not sure if that counts as near-death exiperence.

  7. Often times, if people are dying, they don't have the time or the energy to worry about what will happen to their old clothes. Since everyone is different, what they wish to talk about can be quite different.

    As for the more esoterical aspects of death, I think it's just as impossible to answer as what you were thinking about when you were born or where you were before you existed.

  8. The only true peace and assurance about what happens to you after your body dies is in knowing Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord (on THIS side of the grave.)  This is called being "born again".

    Your soul is immortal, your body is not.  Jesus came to save our souls and promises to give us a new incorruptible body in the future.

    Those who reject God and His son Jesus will get what they wanted: an eternity without Him.  That means an eternity of darkness and chaos, and all hope gone.  That may sound harsh, but they are only getting what they proclaimed on the earth: eternal rebelliousness.

    To be saved, you must believe in God and that he sent His son Jesus Christ to the earth to be the perfect sacrifice lamb to all generations and peoples.  Ask Him to forgive your sins, and to become your Lord and Savior.  Then learn of Him and His ways in the Bible.  Find a good, solid Bible believing church.  Always seek to learn God's ways and begin the process of dying to self and rebelliousness.  It isn't easy to live as a Christian in this world, but the peace of mind and joy you will have is beyond words to explain.

    Life as a Christian is a relationship with God, not religiousness.  

    I wish you well.

  9. >Do people see their death before it happens?

    No. How would they?

    >What exactly happens when you die?

    You cease to be. If you're asleep at the time you won't even notice.

  10. Ghosts ae among us because they are lost, they have not been able to find their weay into the lgiht that takes them into the next life; they are lost souls, which is why if there is a haunted spot or building having it blessed by a priest usually resolves the haunting.

    As for the process of death and dying:Preparing for the Dying Process

    The dying process is unique to each individual. The actual date or time of death is unpredictable. When a person enters the final stage of the dying process, two different dynamics at work are closely interrelated and interdependent.

    First, the body begins to shut down physically, a process that ends when all the physical systems cease to function. Usually, these changes are orderly and progressive, and are not medical emergencies requiring invasive interventions. These physical changes are natural ways in which the body prepares itself to stop, and the most appropriate kinds of responses are comfort measures. Be aware that your loved one's physical changes might happen rapidly or the changes might not happen at all.

    The second dynamic of the dying process is at work emotionally and spiritually, and is a very different dynamic. The "spirit" of the dying person begins the final process of release from the body, its immediate environment and all attachments. This release also tends to follow its own priorities, such as resolving unfinished business of a practical nature, reconciling close relationships and/or receiving permission to "let go" from family members. These events are a normal, natural way in which the spirit prepares to move from this realm of existence into the next, and the appropriate responses are those that support and encourage this release and transition.

    Near Death Experiences:

  11. all right - to deal with just a few of your questions.  The 'Grim Reaper' is a fictional character created by humans to represent physically something that no one can see - the human idea of what death itself might look like.  The Bible says that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord (hence my own personal belief that there are no such thing as ghosts - but perhaps certain places hold the echoes of events long after they have occurred).  If you're a Christian, trusting Jesus to be your salvation, being dead that means you're finally Home.  In the arms of your Father, surrounded by your loved ones that have gone before and at the beginning of a greater adventure than we can imagine here in this life.  That's not something to be afraid of - its something to be a bit homesick for.  Its not something to be rushed into either though - we've got lessons to learn and things to do on this earth first.  Its why we're here.  Most deaths these days are peaceful, but if you're worried about dying in a way that's painful - also be aware that death is a temporary transition between this life and the next - even if it is painful it will be over quickly and you'll be moving onward - its nothing more than a blink compared to eternity.  To end I'm going to leave a quote from CS Lewis' book The Last Battle which is a metaphor but I think catches the idea of what death to a Christian is perfectly.

    "Their hearts leaped and a wild hope rose within them.

    'There was a real railway accident, ' said Aslan softly. 'Your father and mother and all of you are - as you used to call it in the Shadow-Lands - dead. The term is over: the holidays have begun. The dream is ended: this is the morning.'

    And as He spoke He no longer looked to them like a lion; but the things that began to happen after that were so great and beautiful that I cannot write them. And for us this is the end of all the stories, and we can most truly say that they all lived happily ever after. But for them it was only the beginning of the real story. All their life in this world and all their adventures in Narnia had only been the cover and the title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story, which no one on earth has read: which goes on for ever: in which every chapter is better than the one before."

    doesn't sound like something to be afraid of now, does it?

  12. You have a very complicated and compounded question that should be broken up into several questions.

    Lets address your fear of death. You are young, hence you will be scared. The older you get, the wiser about life you become. Death starts losing that scary effect.

    No one wants to die young of course. But the best way to avoid is taking precautions as much as you can. Probably in bad taste, there is a website that gives "awards" to the dumbest deaths. Besides the bad taste, it is a good example as to how people can become careless or misguided by their own perceptions. For example, do you walk in the parking lot without looking at the cars parked to see if one might suddenly come out or do you check the cars parked ahead to see if anyone inside might be possibly coming out? So the best thing is just to be aware of your surrounding, be aware of danger zones where an accident may happen?

    In any case, as you grow older you will become more comfortable with what death is since it is a part of life. As to how we will die, we can only hope it will be painless. The way I see it, if I die a painful death, at least it will be only one death.

    Also, while being alive we can assume a lot about how death is. All religions have a different view of how you ascend to heaven or to whatever place you go. You can review different believes about how different cultures and religions treat death and the "afterlife". If there is such, it is anyone guess.

    As for ghost, there a lot of different types of "ghosts" if you like to belive in that. Some people prefer not to believin such and it is fine. In any case, not all ghosts are real ghosts. Some are just energy impression. Others might not be ghosts at all. In a nutshell, ghosts are people that passed away but have not accepted or known that they died. That is a basic definition.

    Dont worry too much about death but more about life. There is so many things to do in life that it should take precedence in your head. Try talking to elders, they may enlighten you with their life learnings.

    Good luck!

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