
Let's try this again: Poll: Are you a feminist? (Read details)?

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By feminist I don't mean man-hating or bra-burning; I mean someone who believes in equal civil rights between women and men. You don't believe that women only belong in the kitchen; they have the right to be the CEO of a major company.





  1. yeah. why not?

  2. why did u post this again? can a dude be feminist?

  3. im humanist ♥ equal rights please n_n  

  4. I am for everything you describe, I am a recruiter for my Airline, I have hired female pilots based on demonstrated abiliity and experience.

    I also think its right and proper  to hold open doors, stand when a lady joins my company at a table etc.

    Therefore I guess by your logic and response to Tiny porcelain doll I am not a feminist.

    Well so be it and I am glad of it!

  5. Look you lot. Stop arguing over what you think is, or is not the definition of a word.

    I cannot understand why men get it in the neck for women perceiving themselves to be second rate in the gender race.

    Sometime in the past, something happened where men became one thing and women became another.

    It seems to me that women "blame" men for their (label it as you wish)pre-feminism/equal rights days.

    Perhaps if (some) women adopted the understanding that "men" didn't put them in the "underling" position, they allowed themselves to be out there, we could all move forward.

    Now we are now in a world where physical strength is not the dominating criteria for roles/reponsibilities, we can all move forward in a world where what we do is based on intellect or ability to do the "job" (be it a CEO in business or domestic char or gardener or whatever the "job" happens to be) and not whether you have a p***s or a v****a, or your thinking pattern is based on/driven by logic or emotion.

    As you may have perceived I am not a feminist or a manist or an anything "ist", but though this is not strictly a point of your question, it pee's me off considerably when those woman who want to be equal but can't make it for whatever reason, seem to blame men for them being in their position of inferiority, instead of understanding that they are as much to blame for them having allowed themselves to become inferior.

    ps. 10 out of 10 to Tiny Porcelain Doll!

  6. im a feminist.

    some of my guy friends think im whacko, but

    s***w them.

  7. As a guy, me being a "feminist" is possibly seen by some as being a traitor to my gender or watever, but i kinda think females are like, the superior s*x, cant help my views, and i cant wait till the US gets a woman President.  

  8. same answer as before:

    No I am not even remotely feminist. The thing about feminism is it awakens old traditions that happened about 30000000000000 years ago. I think we should learn from mistakes certainly, but we shouldn't live our lives in the past for god's sake. We shouldn't dwell on it. Equal rights between a man and a woman eh? this point why can't it be called maleism or something of a similar nature? why FEMINISM? That is paradoxical in itself. To name the very thing that we call equality feminism. It makes zero sense. So as you can see, feminism in itself is biased. It doesn't matter what you say, feminism is ALWAYS rooting for the female.

    This is from an article I found that was published in a university newspaper which I completely agree with:

    "A large group of women seem to want independence. This is fine. But they don't seem to realize some of the things they give up by being "independent."

    Women often complain that guys don't treat them like ladies. They say guys don't open doors, pull out chairs, lay their coats over puddles and blah, blah, blah.

    Well, guess what? If you're independent, you can open your own door, pull out your own chair and step over that puddle. You get what you ask for.

    I don't blame guys for being terribly confused by women. They are very confusing.

    Not to say that guys aren't confusing as well. They are not perfect by any means.

    But what is this uprising of women with power? Why are women so power hungry?"

    According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, feminism can be defined as being "organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests" in addition to other definitions of course. As you can see, even by definition, feminism is rooting for the lady. It is in not rooting for male rights. As a result, if you are rooting for one group over another then you are not being equal within those groups. Now sure there is a definition above it saying "the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes" but how hypocritical is that? Right underneath that definition is one that favours females. Also the origin of the word comes from the word "feminine" which refers to the female gender. Now if we are talking about equality between a man and a woman, we are not talking about feminism. We are talking about something else.

    I absolutely agree with you that females and males should both be equal and independent but based on the history of feminism and the definition, I just don't think the word "feminism" is the correct term for that.

  9. i'm a woman, and as a kid, my mom made the money and my dad cooked. i think if a woman is smarter than a man, then she should have a better job than him. but i think that people in genral should be jugde by abillity, not by gender.long, long ago, in 'hunter gather' times, everyone was important. if you could prepare food, you did. if you could hunt, you did. if you had a nack for finding plants, you did, if you were alert and trust worthey, you led. it was a socioty that was based on merit: if you worked hard at something, and were good at it, better than another, it was within your grasp. no matter if you were a boy or girl, the son  of a hunter, gatherer, or leader, or the daughter of any of those. we can learn a lot from  the 'cave men/women' they were smarter than we realize

  10. No.....Because women have taken feminism way overboard and turned it into sexism. 99.9% of feminists are bra-burning man-haters.....I know from experience.

    I believe in this little grab bag of a definition you have here...But let's face it... What they call "Feminism" is not what you have stated any more...

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