
Let em raise gas we buy it,(for our politicians)?

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Here in Pa most of our politicians from county commisioners up to state senators and congressmen all have their vehicals provided along with the gas to run them




  1. Dude, it's like that here in CA, too. But we're more vocal about it and are trying to put our politicians in check. That's probably because we have the highest gas prices in the country, along with extremely high housing expenses.

    Our "Governator" has even been caught using a helicopter to go short distances instead of traveling via automobile.  

    It's not fair. Personally, I think that AHHNOLD is rich enough to afford his own friggin' helicopter transportation. I mean, God forbid that he'd have to get somewhere using a car on one of our oh-so-very fast-moving California freeways during rush hour(s).

    I've joined the fight against such atrocities, but I think that us "normal folk" are losing.  :0(

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