
(Let me rephrase this) Does having a pale face mean your deficient in something, if you....??

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Well I have very pale light skin. My family was out to dinner with this other family and I heard this old lady telling my mom she was worried about me because my face is so white (I'm a vegetarian, so she is really concerned about me). She thinks my face is pale from being a vegetarian. Then she asks everyone if they think my face looks pale. I'm Irish so I'm naturally like that. My skin is tan but my face isn't because whenever Im in the sun, I wear a hat, I also wear sunscreen all the time. Can I be deficient in something, since I'm pale?




  1. she doesn't know what she's talking about.. could mean a number of things.

    well, that explains it..    genetics for one thing.. how much also do you get out into the sunlight..  blah blah.

    vegetarianism has nothing really to do with looking sick.

    doesn't that get old for you?    got old for me ages ago.. but my problem was...

    "you're a vegetarian?  you don't look it"  because i'm a well developed white male with nice, tan skin.


    if you eat a well balanced vegetarian diet.. you are so not defecient in anything.

    she was being a queen,  being a pest.     don't give that individual another moment of your thought processes.

    it's just meatatarians pulling their troll activities on you.. it happens more than it should.

    yes,  old folks do it also.

    here's a simple chart/list of the common fruits and veggies and the mineral factors and protein.

    if you do this..    eat these items..  n o.....  you are SO NOT dying.

    these people keep this up, tell them to come to me and make noise about it.

  2. really just go get a blood test to see if its anemia if its not Im sure your fine, if it is you can either A eat a steak a month or B get iron pills

  3. From this description, you're deficient in sun on your face. Your face looks pale compared to your arms and whatever else was exposed. Regardless, if you're concerned, be evaluated by a doctor.

    Though something doesn't seem right with your story (I still get sun on my face wearing a hat and don't tan at all wearing sunscreen) I'm not here to judge that. If you truly seek peace of mind, see a doctor.

    what's a "meatatarian"??

  4. Yes, you could be a little anemic (low on iron).  I am Scottish/Danish and also have light skin. I found out I was anemic (nothing to do with my diet) and had to have a transfusion.  Then next day everyone, literally, remarked about the color in my face.    Wow, what a difference a little blood makes!!

    Edit:  Excuse me Samstone, yes the lady may be wrong but anemia for a female is not unusual.  Stay Beautiful shouldn't panic but it wouldn't hurt to get a CBC done and check her blood count.  Anemia can come on slowly so people that see you every day don't notice how pale you're getting.  

    So, Stay Beautiful, if you're feeling fine (meaning you aren't cold almost all the time, don't have your heart start racing with a little exertion, aren't tired all the time, you can look up other symptoms) then don't panic but at your next physical (which should be no more than a year away) ask your doctor to do a blood count.

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