
Let me try again. we are a 2 women my wife whats to maybe undergo a s*x change and take testerone shots.?

by  |  earlier

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does that make more sence. what would be the side effects of them and what would change in her and all that info.




  1. I might recommend you and your spouse check out Nick Gorton's "Medical Therapy and Health Maintenance for Transgender Men" at which covers the basics of testosterone therapy.

    You might also find the small gallery of transsexual men's photos at worth a look over to see what the visible effects of long-term testosterone use are. The book "Body Alchemy" by Loren Cameron is another nice place to see photos of long-term T use (though be aware that the book is over a decade old now so the surgery info in it is out of date).

    To see what trans guys look like early in the process, and how changes progress with T, YouTube is fast becoming a valuable resource for observing the early phases of transition in a number of fellows. A search for "FTM" in YouTube should bring up more personal transition vlogs than you could ever watch :-)

    Finally, to touch base with other trans men and their partners, i'd recommend the FTM-Trans yahoogroup. The list is very active and supportive, and has a fairly well stocked resources section.


  3. Talk to a doctor!

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