
Let say your children want to be transexual?would u accepted it if your children wanted to be another gender?

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Let say your children want to be transexual?would u accepted it if your children wanted to be another gender?




  1. Well, I love my kids unconditionally and if that's something that they needed to do to feel whole, then yes, I would support them. But I would also make sure they went through counseling first since that is a MAJOR life change!

  2. I would love them unconditionally and accept them for who they are, my child, regardless. I would not support their decision, and I would express my feelings on the decision and discourage it. But there is nothing my child could do that would make me not love them or accept them.

  3. They can do whatever they want and I would approve of it. I've even thought about it before.

  4. No. If any of my children make those kinds of choices they'll have to do it when they come of age and move out. I can't support something I think is wrong and it is wrong to expect people to support something they don't think they should. I can say this, however. No matter what my children do I'll always love them. That being said, however, no matter how much I love someone I cannot support something I think is wrong. It is possible to love someone without loving what they do.

  5. It's their life, you wont be there for ever, they will do whatever they want after you have gone, so it doesn't really matter, it's their life let them do whatever they want..  Accept them for whom they are not for what they do and like. Ya it would be a little awkward at first, but after a while it'll be normal.. or else get ready for alot of drama

  6. To begin with I love my children. As such whatever comes into their lives is important to me and as such I recognize the importance of their following their own paths and as such accept and support them,

    You show little education about the subject matter in asking such a silly question. Silly? Yes it is because you take into account little true knowledge in thinking one would "WANT" to be a transsexual person. This is something that we are born with not some silly faze or choice. There are very specific criteria that each of us must fulfill to even be diagnosed as one with Harry Benjamin's Syndrome or better known as gender dysphoria.  If a person is a true or primary transsexual then they already are the target gender but simply need to correct this congenital birht defect.

    To those who have said no or would not support your children I must say you should be ashamed of yourselves. You put your own petty biases and bigorty above the welfare of your children and that is sickening. Grow up and love your children


    True Transsexual and American Trucker!

  7. no problem with it. i've learned to be very openminded about things since discovering i'm bisexual. i hate people who can't accept that are different in anyway. being transgeneder and transexual is wonderful i mean why be something you aren't comfortable with really.

  8. No...

  9. NO).

  10. Absolutely! If there's anything I would want for my child, it would be for him/her to be happy. I can't imagine lagging through life not feeling comfortable in my own skin and I wouldn't want that for my child.

  11. yea i think i would accept and support the  decision altho it  Will  be awkward and  confusing and a lil disapointing but  it be there life and now what what changes are made its still my child but    first would  find out why  and  if there really serious cause sometimes  children especially teenagers can go thro phases where they want 2 do or be something else

  12. i don't think you know what a transsexual is, it's someone born with characteristics of both sexes, they will wind up looking feminine but will have a p***s most of the time. so that's not a choice that someone can make and why wouldn't you accept your child if that was the case?

    if you are talking about someone who is trans-gender they are born with a body that does not match what their brains are telling them, so they look 100% male or female but their brains tell them they are the opposite gender. that's also something you are born with so why would you not accept your own child? don't you think that would be a very hard situation and having parents reject you would just make it so much worse.

    if i had a child with either i would love them no matter what. i do whatever i could to help them to deal with a world that might have a problem with it but i would never make my child feel like i was not there for him or her.

  13. No I would not accept it.  We are born male or female for a reason.  I think it's sick when people want to change their gender.

  14. I love my son unconditionally. Of course, it would hurt me immensely, but if that was what he wanted to do, I would accept it. Anyone who says they would not, to me, are not that great of a parent. It is not about how you see your children, or what you want them to be, the choices they make are theirs to make. We are just there for guidance.

    Ethansmom - how can you say you would not allow it?

    1. They would not be able to get any sort of transgender operation until they are at least 19.

    2. Once they reach that age, the decision is no longer yours.

  15. I can't say i wouldnt be dissapointed, but i'd accept my child for who he/she is regardless.

  16. It is not a question of if my child WANTED to be a transsexual. If he was it would be because he was born with a medical condition, NOT because he wants to be. I am T/S and obviously know others, know one chooses this, in fact most of us fight it until there is no alternative.

    So I will ask you, would you love your own child if they were born with any other birth condition? I would, love of a parent and child should be unconditional.

    EDIT;  I normally read the answers before I answer, This one I just typed my answer before reading any. After reading the answers to this question I am appalled at some of the answers. I wish those of you that feel so strongly that this is a chose or wrong had to live the live of a T/S person for one month. It will be that month most of us have lived. where you are at the end of hope, the night you sit with a loaded gun or a handful of pills, perhaps you stand next to a rail road track waiting for that speeding train to come. Survive that period of life, then tell me it is a chose, or you won't love your child.  If you still say you could not love your child at that point you should be very ashamed of your self.

  17. it depends how old the child is... if he/she is still little it might be a faze, i would just ignore it. if you tell him/her to stop they will do the opposite, if after a while your child keeps doing that start making fun of the situation. insecurity might just help stop this.

    if the child is an adult already or an older teenager, i dont think i would accept this.

  18. I would not allow it.  I think kids under 18 are too young to be making that kind of serious decision.  I would be respectful of son's situation because I do feel that a child can know that they are g*y that early on, so I'd do my best to help him feel comfortable in his own skin and make the appropriate decisions together.

  19. no

  20. Sorry MINE no other people i wouldn't care but not my own. Im narrow minded when it comes to my children ie i wouldnt want them transexual or any kind of thing that isnt they way there naturaly supposed to be the MAJOR things not stupid little things like there style i wouldnt care i would be ok with probably 9/10 things they would do to how there personal style.

  21. I would tell my son "Welcome to my world".  

    By forcing a child to conform to the parent's vision of who/what the child should be only causes stress and emotional harm to the child; sometimes to the point of suicide.  I want my son to become an adult who is comfortable with himself and has the self esteem to face the world with confidence.

  22. Couple of points;

    - No-one (at least, no-one sane) WANTS to be transsexual; it's not a choice. It's a congenital neurological condition; You're either BORN transsexual, or you're NOT transsexual.

    - Being transsexual is not about 'wanting to be another gender'; it's about wanting to be the gender you ARE, rather than the one you APPEAR to be.

    - Any parent who would reject, disown or abandon a child because of a congenital condition is not fit to call themselves 'parent'.  

    Read and learn;

  23. I think that you should be supportive with your children's wishes.  I know in life a lot of our kid's choices we might not like but the only thing we can do is give our opinion but at the end they will make the choice on what they want to do.  I know that I always respected my mom's opinion but at the end I made the decisions for my self.  Good luck.

  24. naturally that would be quite an adjustment for me. But if it made them happy, who am I to try and tell them to change? I only want my kids to be happy

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