
Lethal Injection?

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What are your feelings on lethal injection/ Do you feel it's "cruel and unjust punishment?"




  1. Lethal injection rocks....I wish theyd go back to the firing lines as well....nothing is to bad for them

  2. Capital punishment is state murder, is essentially unchristian and actually a blasphemous act, and reduces the state to the level of the murderer.

    I am proud to have voted to make capital punishment, which had been abolished many years before by my own and all other civilised countries, also unconstitutional in Ireland.

  3. I actually don't think that anyone can be certain either way as no one has ever survived to tell us if it is painful or not, although most states will not allow animals to be euthanised using three drugs because vets believe that it causes unnecessary suffering to the animal.

  4. hey if you really want to kill humanely go for the throat!!!!!!

    real simple rub the area with a topical anesthesia and inset an I.V. into his carotid artery and let him bleed out wont feel but maybe a little stick and he just falls asleep. But NOOOOOOO You go to strap him down hook him up to electrodes ya still gotta do the I.V. bit so your already half way there I can go on but you get my point. I get ILL at the idea of people chomping at the bit to extinguish another life as if their death would bring another back so they can feel better about themselves (the executioners and sympathizers jump around in sadistic glee your no better than He!!!!!!)

  5. I think if they have killed someone, bring it on!

  6. Lethal Injection is one of the capital punishments of today.  For me, its okay for a person who done a crime that is really terrible, for instance killing in a inhumane way.
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