
Lethal White....?

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i know exactly what a lethal white is but how can you breed a horse and get that, i want to breed my paint mare to another paint but im afraid that she may produce a lethal white and i don't want her to strain over losing her baby...HELP!




  1. A lethal white is obtained when two OVERO paints that carry the Lethal gene are bred together.  Some Toveros can also carry this gene.  To avoid the risk, breed to a stallion that is NOT a Tovero or Overo - or find one that has been tested NEGATIVE and has proof.  If your mare is an OVERO - you should have her tested as well, for your own peace of mind!

    here is a link for defintion of lethal white and how you can avoid potentially obtaining one!

  2. it would only happen if it's bread to another white/albino horse

  3. Okay, well I read a website, and this is what it said:

    "We recommend that horse owners concerned about the possibility of the breeding stock carrying the defective gene contact their veterinarian about the possibility and request a professional opinion about how to proceed with further testing."

    I will give you the website in case you want more info.  :

    I read another website, and this is what it said:

    "In order for a lethal white foal to be produced, each parent must contribute a copy of the lethal allele."

    I will give you this website too:

    It sounds like both parents have to carry the gene for it to be passed.  So I would recommend testing both horses.

  4. I don't think there's much of a way to prevent it but tlk to the breeder or your vet they would know best but i think it one happens when you breed it to another all white/albino horse

  5. You can have a genetic blood test done to see if she's carrying the allele that causes it.  If you test her and the stud, and neither or only one is carrying the allele, you'll be safe.  Most carriers of lethal white are overos, not all paint patterns carry the gene.

  6. i have the same problem

    i would reccomend having the vet out and testing her for lethal white then find a nice stud w/o the lethal white gene

    a very nice stud is skipa heathen

    i have known and had his offspring and they are very very nice animals

  7. Is is my understanding the the lethal white gene was a genetic defect traced back to a single stallion - Impressive. If your horse does not have Impressive anywhere in her pedigree, then there is no chance that she carries the lethal white gene. To be extra cautious, you should select a stallion that also does not have Impressive in his pedigree. Additionally, there are genetic tests that can be done by your veterinarian to determine if your horse has the defective gene. Reputable stallion owners would have already had the test done on their stallions and have the documentation available showing the stallion is negative for lethal white.

    EDIT - I need to retract my answer. Impressive was the Quarter Horse stallion who was the origin of hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (HYPP) - not lethal white. Sorry. I was confused. The part about having your horse genetically tested by your vet is still true.

  8. You only get lethal white when you breed two horses who both carry the Lethal overo gene.  It is most common in "frame" overo patterend horses, but can occur in almost any paint-type coat pattern.  Some overo horses carry the gene, some do not.  Even of your mare is overo and the stallion is overo, you would still have less than a 25% chance to produce a lethal white foal.

    You can have your horse tested for the lethal overo gene to be sure, if you're that worried.  It doesn't cost much.  See the second link below, UC Davis Veterinary Genetics Laboratory does the testing.

  9. I haven't thought about this in years but I think Lethal whites are the progeny of tobiano and tovero.  It is a homozygous recessive trait so it occurs in 1 out of every 4 foals when these two genotypes are bred.  It's not that simple , but there are genetic tests you can do to exclude that possibility.  You should check with the national paint horse registry.

  10. it doesn't only happen breeding to ther white/albino horses, any horse in the paint family can carry the gene.  Make sure the stud horse has been tested for the lethal white gene.  if he is positive don't breed to him.

  11. be happy you have a horse...I've always wanted a horse..

  12. I'm no expert on this but from what I've heard you have a very slight chance of producing a lethal white foal. The lethal white alele is usually most common among overos and even more so directed from frame overos although the alele can be present in all paterns.

    You're only sure fire way of knowing is to have your mare tested.

  13. Lethal white syndrome is mainly a gene associated with frame Overo paint horses. If you breed 2 frame Overo horses the chances are 1 in 4 that you could get LWS foal. Breeding a frame overo or any overo to a tobiano would prevent this. It is possible for a tobiano to carry the gene but it is rare. It is a recessive gene and take both parents to pass it on to a foal. The only sure way of knowing is by DNA testing. Here is a site that explains it better and it is also testing service for this gene.
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