
Lets be honest, we'll all be gutted if Nicole walks ........?

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I cant wait to see the boos tomorrow ...... It'll probably blow her back into the house .......




  1. It would be terrific if they televised her eviction reception etc to the remaining house-mates - almost a gladiatorial spectacle, oh glee.  

  2. oh please dont get me started, that women is such a bully, just like her idiotic boyfriend. The way she keeps saying 'i think im just going to go tomorrow' if she really meant it, she would go there and then, she just wants her darling Rex to say 'oh darling, please dont..........' she loves attention, and I thought she was meant to be this beautiful women, the way Rex went on and on about her, well im sorry, but I really dont blame Lisa and whats his name got it wrong when they had to guess his girlfriend, that was so funny!  

    Good on Mikey for speaking his mind to her, wahoo!!!!!!

    I think she is going to walk out though, because deep down she knows she is going to be voted out,



  3. I will; be verydisappointedd if she walks ! I just cant wait to see her booed, she is so nasty especially to Mikey.

    She and Rex could not believe that she could possabley be nominated  why? ,what is so wonderful about her ?   nothing !

    She really does need to be taken down a peg or two and a eviction would do the trick I think !

  4. I'll be gutted, i think her boo's will be worse than Silvia's. Wouldn't it be funny if she got 100% of the votes!??!

    I'm looking forward to seeing Rex's reaction to her getting booed, now that will be funny!!

  5. We sure will, everybody wants to see her be booed because she has acted like such a primadona - but she will say it is because she couldn't confront Rex about the things she heard he has been up to before he went into the house that made her feel like that.  She'll go for the sympathy vote for sure.

  6. I loved it when Mikey just summed her up.

    Rex didn't jump to defend her and she didn't really disagree.

    She is up her own @rse.

    Vile vile vile the pair of them!!

  7. I bet she won't walk just because in her head, somehow she thinks that she has fans out there and she'll want another few minutes of fame.  Of course, she'll regret that as soon as the door opens and she hears all the boos.  Maybe she'll pull a "Stu" and jump into the crowd and they'll tear her to bits.  haha .. ok .. that was a bit harsh.

  8. she may be pritty but what a cow!


    please dont tell anyone i watch it....shhhhh

  9. that would be great, i wish that no-one would turn up and the doors would open and no body there. her face would be magic.  

  10. I hope to gwad she will not deny me the pleasure of listening to that crowd!

  11. I'm already welling says here!

    Well be able to hear the boos from the crowd the other side of London WITHOUT having the telly on ! ! !

  12. Not Me

    I cant wait either

    I love that idea from a previous answer that said it would be great if they opened the doors and there was no one there except Davina

    What a great eviction that would be ............No attention , she would die on the spot


  13. I am so looking forward to it

  14. I hate her and rex now, cant wait till she leaves rex's face would be great to watch, also someone needs to put the ginger (rex) in his place and show him that he is not boss GO ON DO IT MOH!!! lol


  15. i dont think that she will be able to talk to davina 2 morrow as she will be crying to much,i think the boos will be 2 bad,ps. mikey will go wednesday night

  16. i would love nicole to go. she is a nasty spoilt rich kid

    i hate girls like her, so far up rex's ****, and always having a go at people when rex does the girl needs to get a life (and a job)

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