
Lets change tack;Sidecar outfits stripped down bear little resemblance to a solo,does it matter?

by  |  earlier

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+ don't modern bikes have some sort of speed governers,help me here, I WANT TO MOVE OUT OF THE DARK AGES,HONEST.




  1. Albort - I knewd this was you before the pagw

    even opends -

    Bit I cant do it now - Mavis hopend the sherry and

    maded me drinj it - whts is that stuff - that smelks

    like thet bloddy Castrel !!!!!!!!!! blooddy Mavis is 80

    and thsts why she bout round that Casterl -

    thunkfully shes gone home now - but I;m dropingg

    at my desk I{m  comzin back to thi tomorro  www -

    Thwanks for thw 10 paints xxxxxxxxx

  2. The only thing that resembles a track bike on a sidecar outfit is the handlebars. stripped down and the sidecar removed it would be more like a drag bike. prone riding posistion and square fat wheel (rear)

    the engine might be the same depending on what class your racing.

    thats a great description of the BBCs comentary team by Wiggysan.

    its a shame thats all we are going to get next yr.

  3. Ehh ?

    Of course sidecar out fits dont look like bikes. They have 3 wheels for a start.

    Road bikes have speed governors, but who gives a schit about road bikes ? Not me. The only speed limits in the world of racing are the riders balls , tyres and the circuit.

    I think you need to start watching some bike racing mate.

    Try Auntie Beeb, this Sunday for the MotoGP.

    You will have to put up with Suzie "SL4G" Perry, Steve "W4NKER" Parrish & Charlie " I know SHlT all about MotoGP " Cox.

    My advice is watch it with the mute button on. You wont learn anything from them 3.

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