
Lets compare experience....?

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MCCAIN: 4 years in the house of representatives in Arizona's 1st district.. 26 yrs in the Senate of the United States.....22 years in the military, 5 as a POW.

SARA PALIN: 4 years in Wasilla city counsel....elected Mayor of Wasilla 2006 was elected as Governor of the great state of Alaska

BARACK H. OBAMA: elected to the Senate of the United States and served 143 days as mostly an absentee senator preparing for the run for the Presidency..

Which person has the LEAST amount of experiance??




  1. palin

    obama had a larger constituency as an Illinois state senator than palin has as governor of alaska

  2. You forgot that Obama has over 20yrs experience as a member of a racist whitey hating church.  

  3. Let's see, The Obama has the least experience, and appears to be associated with exactly the type of corrupt politicians and others that Palin would work against.

  4. All absolute facts, but our liberal friends don't believe truth, socialists only believe what they want to fit there certain picture of the world, and curse anyone who disagrees with them.

  5. You forgot to mention that he can give a great speech!  That ought to count for....nothing!

  6. Yes lets compare,I am still voting for McCain, because I love and care about my country, regardless of who he picked for vp. I trust his judgment!! I do not however trust the rest. After what demo pelosi has done, I am sticking with the repub's!!

  7. Careful now-----You could fry a lot of logic-circuits with a question like that!!!

  8. Obama has done nothing throughout his entire career that shows him to be a leader, he hasn't managed or been executive of anything.

    When it came time to prove he has leadership skills as a Senator, he didn't do a d**n thin in office. Nothing.

    Has Obama fought against corruption? No.

    Has Obama fought against government waste? No, in fact he has supported bills that increase government waste.

    He has done nothing.

  9. Why do you stodgy old Conservatives always want to be so excrutiatingly analytical?  Why do your decisions have to be based on tedious facts and logic, totally excluding what makes you feel good at the end of the day?

    People like you are such a buzz-kill.

    So what's the big deal about experience?  Maybe you go for heart surgery, and you've got a doctor with 1,000 hours of experience, but he botches the job because he's done it so many times it's just repetition.  I think I'd opt for the lesser-skilled doctor, figuring he'd try harder because he isn't really so handy yet with that scalpel.  Heck, the better doctor is probably just thinking about his fancy afternoon golf date.

    So what if Obama didn't show up for work?  He still got paid, right?  And don't we go to work just to get the money?  If he can scam the system so well, he's a guy we need in office!  Maybe he can use those skills against our enemies.

  10. Depends on which side of the isle you stand.  The left uses intentions as experience, the right uses knowledge as experience.

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