
Lets do a study, why do people commit heinous crimes.?

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Is it

1. The devil makes them do it.

2. Their brains are not wired correctly.

3. Psychological problems stemming from a bad childhood.

4. An unknown illness that drives them to commit these crimes even though they may know its wrong.

5. They have not evolved to the same level as "normal people."

6. Damian Demento speaks to them at all hours of the day driving them insane.

7. Just plain crazy.

8. (insert your own idea here)




  1. a little of 3 little 7 maybe a little of 2

  2. Depends.

    Child molesters may just be looking for love/companionship.

    Serial killers may just be starved for attention and love.

    Dictators may just feel the need to assert themselves.

    No man is pure evil.

  3. Severe mental illnesses...

  4. 5. They have not evolved to the same level as "atheists."

    Atheists(the highly evolved) have never committed crimes ever.  All convictions were cuz religious people framed them!

    I'm Atheist!

  5. 8: they have a bad day and something pushes that day to be worse and then they lash out, could also be under # 2 3 or 4

  6. The answer varies with the person, their mental stability, their environment, and their childhood. There is no definite answer and no devil.  

  7. I'd say 2 and 3 (pysiological problems and psychological problems (stemming from childhood or other phases of life).

    Another interesting theory could be karma from another life  - but not likely :)

  8. 8) Probably a combination of 2, 3, 4, maybe 5.  

  9. Either

    They are evil

    They are insane

    They lose control (which may be due to a mental illness or simple lack of ability to control themsleves)

    They are greedy beyond belief

    They are more interested in themselves than anyone else

    You can get one of those or a combination of them.  

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