
Lets just save ourselves the casualties and nuke iraq and iran. whos with me?

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Lets just save ourselves the casualties and nuke iraq and iran. whos with me?




  1. If your being sarcastic, your not funny and you should try to avoid any further attempts at humor.

    If your being serious your an absolute moron worthy of a helmet.

  2. Yeah! and right after that, let's be willing to pay for our actions when some other country - afraid of being the next 'victim' of U.S. brutality - will 'nuke' us!!

    Thomas Jefferson once said: "War is an instrument entirely inefficient toward redressing wrong; and multiplies, instead of indemnifying, losses". Is it possible for you to understand that??

  3. Better get China and Russia first....they are the ones who'll set our bar-b-que grills ablaze if we try foolishness like that!

  4. You're an idiot.

    Oh, let's nuke Iraq and Iran, let's make everyone else HATE US!!!

    I bet there were fools like you in the 50's.

    "Oh Ike, let's save ourselves the trouble and Nuke Moscow! That'll work, I'm sure of it, Ike!"

  5. I would agree with massive bombing but no nukes.  Iran is so rich with oil..we would have to save it somehow, but otherwise Iran is so stuck with the radical leader (he reminds me of ObamHUH) that we are going to have to deal with that regime no doubt!  I still have hopes that what we have done in Iraq will work.  A decent democracy in that hotbed area of idiots would be very great! I am thankful for all our brave men and women who have made a difference there and want to win that war for the sake of those who have sacrificed all for what has been accomplished!  

  6. That's not how it works.  

  7. No way.  Most Iraqis and Iranians are peace-loving people that would prefer to be left alone, just like most Americans.

  8. Honestly, I think something's going to happen in that region without any help or prodding from the US.  I think Israel is concerned about the election and who's going to be the next president.  I would not be surprised to see some kind of action take place before our primary. Force the issue. Unfortunately, America can't afford that to happen in any way shape or form. Careful what you wish for. You just might get it. It would be a disaster for America.

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