
Lets just say you are a very talented 18 year old hockey player and its draft day....?

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You are projected to go first overall by every mock draft that there is.

What team would you wanted to get drafted by seeing as you are projected to go first (lets just say that the team you wanted to get drafted by has the first pick overall)?

What position would you play in order to get drafted by your team (goalie, defence, forward- centre, left wing, right wing)?

What number would you want on the back of your jersey?

-If you are drafted as a goalie what type of goalie style would you use e.g. butterfly, stand-up, hybrid?

-If you are drafted as a defenseman what type of defensemen would you be (e.g. offensive defenseman, defensive defenseman, etc.)?

-If you are drafted as a forward what kind of forward would you be (grinder, dangler, sniper, power forward, etc.)?

If you want you can give your player a name (fake or real), height, weight, the way they shoot, the place where they are born, etc.




  1. Stars



    defensive defensemen

    Kolsti (real) Calvinson (fake)

  2. Pens

    left wing or right i can play both


    Dangler/Power Foward

    Read Tard

  3. -Pittsburgh Penguins




    -Hairy Butts, 6'3'', 170 lbs., catches left, born in Phoenix, AZ

  4. I'd like to hear that:

    The Montreal Canadiens would like to thank the NHL, and the fans. Now Trevor Timmins will make our selection for our first choice, first round pick, Trevor?

    - The Montreal Canadiens are proud to select, from the OHL "****** ********" Goaltender "****** O******"

    I'd be so glad if I could have the choice and pick the team I want to.

    I'm a Goalie, hybrid, I'd like to wear number 90 or 17...

    I'm 5'9, 190, Catch: Right (Yeah I do) born in France, even if I live in Canada since I'm 10 years old.

    Played my AAA in Quebec (Province), my OHL in Ontario lol (obvious) so I'll wait for the draft.

    Then I'd punch my bro, hug my mum, and have few friends with me, and take off my own Canadiens' hat from a bag lol.

  5. I would want to get drafted by the Blackhawks

    I would want to play goalie

    Number 46 if I was goalie and number 15 if I was a player

    I would be a butterfly goalie with a flashy glove and a bit of a Hasek and Brodeur style of play. I would want to handle the puck well and have no neck protector and a normal helmet. I would also like to have  twitch like Khabibulin "The Bulin Twitch".

    I would be an all around defensemen, sort of a Nikolas Lidstrom but I would get big hits, I would be a leader. I would be a team player, I would sacrifice the body. I would want to be a moderately fast defenseman (not a slow guy), with a good slap shot from the point ,but only an okay wrist and snap shot. I would like to quarterback powerplays and play penalty kills. More of a smart player than talented, the kind of player that would make a good coach some day. I would like to have no visor.

    I would be a speedy forward with a little dangle in there, kind of a Pavel Bure, more of a goal scorer than a playmaker and I would be a quite leader but outside of hockey very outspoken. I would yet again sacrifice the body and be possibly a two way forward, maybe on the weaker penalty killing line. I would want to be able to take faceoffs okay but still be a winger (I don't care which wing). I would also want to have an exciting Roenick style of play mixed in, and maybe a little Roenick hitting. I would like to have an okay slapshot but a very good snap and wrist shot. I would like to have a Ovechkin visor but not tinted.

    For my forward I would be 6' "1" and 200lbs shooting right born in Chicago.

    For my defenseman I would want to be 6' "3" and 220lbs shooting right born in Chicago.

    For my goalie I would want to be 6' "1"  and 200lbs lefty glove born in Chicago.

  6. Team-sens

    Posistion- defense. I dont play much, but when i play ball hockey im normaly a defensemen or a bit in net


    If i was a goalie i would use a standup style

    Defensive defensemen- Shot blocking, getting the puck back, landing some hits

    Wouldn't be drafted as a forward

  7. You'd be drafted for the talents and position you already play. YOU won't have the choice...the team drafting you will.

  8. Lets just say... If I was a very talented 18 yr old Hockey player it would still be 1988 and most of you were but a sparkle in your parents eyes or diaper-bound criers! LOL

  9. New Jersey Devils of course!  Not only are they my favorite team, but they're consistently good every season.  So winning will be a plus :)

    Center, because they score the most!

    #9 is my favorite number, so too bad Parise!

    Half-butterfly like Marty Brodeur!

    Finesse, pure scorer like Gretzky.  If you look at his goals, none of them look that fancy, but d**n does he score.

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