
Lets not crucifie Mohammad Asif to,much drugs is rife in sports they even found4 horses with drugs in olympc?

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todays news 4 horses have been found with banned substances in the show jumping i think one was British

this is an answer to one of my earlier questions ,apparently the guys an athlete

i do not condone sportsman who takes drugs ,but its something we v got to except ,,its not only gona be Pakistani cricketers that are going to be found out

It is astonishing how many people are attempting to answer this from a position of ignorance. They clearly haven't participated at a high level in athletic sport. ALL atheltic sports are drug ridden at the highest level. Even non-athletes such as golfers and snooker players take things such as beta blockers to calm their nerves. Many performance enhancers are not detecable with the current tests. Where the drugs are detectable, the athletes are well ahead of the testers - tapering off their programs well before the big meets. Some even inject clean urine samples into their bladders before the test (the clean urine may come from the coach for example). Different sports have different drug requirements, but most elite sportsmen stack their drugs. They don't just take one. Usain Bolt is the most talented sprinter I have ever seen, but that doesn't mean he is clean. To think he runs those time by consuming broccoli and bananas just demonstrates a naiveity borne out of astonishing ignorance. Do some real research and you will think otherwise. A good place to start would be Speed Trap by Charlie Francis. Anyone who still maintains that Bolt is clean after conducting some research has no excuses. No longer could we call them naive. They should then enter themselves into a village idiot contest. Ignorance can be defended, plain stupidity cannot.

* 13 hours ago


Athletic experience at a high level




  1. I think you are very cynical about the drug problem my friend. We have very stringent drug testing in Australia, the reason you hardly ever hear of an Aussie being banned for it. The ones I know personally say that only those without proper motivation resort to drugs.Look at Brett Lee, wouldn't even take an aspirin without good reason.Never done drugs of any kind. Well there's plenty like him in Australia.

  2. On the contrary,every one caught on drugs needs to be made an example of. Accepting it, is admitting theres nothing wrong with it, and everything is wrong with it.Theres no place in sport for drug cheats.

  3. Despite the "human" controversy in the use of steroids for performance enhancement, it is a matter of choice on a personal level.  Horses, unlike humans do not have that option.  Often the result is catastrophic.  Horse racing has been under scrutiny for the use of performance enhancing injections and intense training and conditioning not appropriate to the horses age and growth. The use of beta blockers does not necessarily denote use on a casual level.  A calcium channel blocker or beta blocker can be taken for an existing medical condition such as hypertension, arrythmias, and migraine prophylaxis  Whether or not an athletes performance is as a result of pharmaceutical intervention or just determination will always be controversial.

  4. YEESSS... but it's like parents tell their kids. Just because everyone does it, does that make it acceptable for you to do it without expecting punishment? Asif should be punished. I mean, he was caught once, and instead of learning from that ordeal and attempting to stay clean, he just tried to do it again! In the most recent case, it was to filch several hundred thousand dollars off duped IPL organizers.

  5. Drugs are very harm full for body and he had done a illigal thing by keeping drugs with him therefore he should be punished.

  6. Drugs are rife in sport, and we are deluding ourselves if we believe that cricket is a "clean" sport, and that Asif is a one off. People are condemning him without being aware of all the facts. He is clearly very stupid, but it may be the case that he was unaware he had used any banned substances.

    There is actually an argument for saying that all performance enhancing drugs should be legalised. At least then we will have a level playing field, and if people want to harm their bodies, then that's their decision.

  7. , Asif, ignorance,  stupidity ........ drug use is illegal in all walks of life.

    This we ALL know.  Our opinions differ, but one fact can never change.

    People, humans, have choices, knows right from wrong - no matter what walk of life he/she moves in.

    Pressure - we all go through times where pressure plays a role.  It is one's convictions, honesty and honour that counts.  If you are good at what you do, it is a God given talent and it should not be enhanced by anything!  Let's however leave religion out of it.   It is illegal to use drugs in sport and that is a fact. A choice an athlete has. No matter what, you can not dispute that fact!!!!

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