
Lets paint the town red?

by  |  earlier

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paint the town red

enough with the crying moaning and regrets

its time to move on and forget

forgive the devil for hes bored of flying

save your heart because its dying

theres going to be more disapointments headed your way

so forget your problems and go on with your day

she didnt mean to hurt you ,she made a mistake

he said hes sorry forgive him for goodsake

paint the town red untill you feel alive

color the ocean blue then dive

do not regret the past for its nessacassry

do not be embass of yourflaws just pick them up and carry


paint the town red with ribbions and clovers

if your made a mistake erase and start over




  1. hmmm

    is that a song or a poem....and did you make it up?

    pretty good =]

    i like...

    i'll join you.



  2. couple things :: thanks for sharing your poem....i really really like it....just to fix er on's my thoughts :

    instead of  GOODSAKE.. making it godsake, sounds better--u may have even meant that, and just mistyped....

    and where it sais  COLOR THE OCEAN BLUE, add, than TAKE A dive.

    spelled neccessary wrong (not sure if mine right either)

    put a space between YOUR and FLAWS.

    ribbons spelled wrong.

    last line...should read IF YOU'VE MADE A MISTAKE, ERASE AND START OVER..

    u write just like i do! ALL my poems seem to have to rhymes in a row etc.. just like that.. i think it flows sooo nicely!

    oh and disappointments is the correct spelling..

  3. I'm with ya, I will grab my paint brush.

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