
Lets say I wanted to kill Robert Mugabe?

by  |  earlier

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Would you buy a T shirt from me saying " I helped get rid of Bob" to fund my mission?

He only has one ball, so testicular strangulation is out of the question.....mmmmh whats the best way to do it?




  1. Good luck! If the UN can't get him, what's your chance?.

  2. Keep the T-shirt you naughty chappy. Here's £1000000 just in case you do.

  3. what an  obsured question

  4. Make mine an XXL mate!

  5. Killing him would give him a sort of dignity the slime does not deserve. Why not start a real campaign to get the Western world to take responsibility without gain for a change and depose the man without violence. All they would have to do is stand up and be counted at international conferences and start applying sanctions against countries who help and support Mugabe.  The man and by association his supporters wherever they are, is already responsible for the deaths of millions and appalling hardship for as many.  I'll buy a T shirt anyway but if you start a campaign I and my colleagues at PIAF will join.  The lesson of South Africa should be taken on board, campaigns work.

  6. Put me down for two T shirts. I think the best way to kill him is with AIDS as he is one of the Africa dictators who makes no provision for his citizens with AIDS.

  7. Polonium in a teapot?

  8. Very mature

  9. Invite him to a conference in Baghdad - he'll never survive.

  10. I can see the tagline for your campaign:  Help Zimb"OBB"way (remove One Ball Bob)...  I love it.


  12. write a school essay that say that he have WMD and that he is in cahoots with al-qaida.

    That will do it... oh ,dont forget to write a mail to and explain how much oil there is in africa.....

  13. If your African its OK but if your not you definitely cant kill him, we don't need another foreign assassination. Lamunba,  Oplympio and  the countless others were enough.  were enough. Oh yeah I want a T-shirt too, make it a large please.

  14. Why are you so mean?

  15. Best way is to discover significant reserves of oil in Zimbabwe. Mugabe would be gone shortly afterwards courtesy of GWB. I'll buy a t-shirt nevertheless.

  16. Be careful who you put in his place. These African leaders all seem to go off the tracks when they get a sniff of power.

    Never the less I'll have a medium. Blue with black script.

    Method: Ask him to tell the truth, the ensuing heart attack should be sufficient.

  17. Just don't get caught.

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