
Lets say for any reason...your baby was put into emergency foster care tonight?

by  |  earlier

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You only have a few seconds to tell the social worker what the baby needs before he(she) goes to sleep tonight( I am not talking about food or a diaper change or clean jammies.

STOP READING You are now out of time.

Thats how much information I have when your babies are found in a car,

pulled from a daycare,or in a wreck.

Now what information will you be putting in her diaper bag tonight before she goes to sleep?

You have NO more time.




  1. My kids have information sheets that I do keep either on me or in the dipper bag.

    My mom started doing this when my youngest brother was born because he has some serious medical problems. And I just picked up on doing it when I had my kids.

    Heaven forbid that something were to ever happen but things do happen and it is always best to be prepared rather than take the approach of it will never happen.

  2. Why do I only have a few seconds to tell the social worker? Am I dying? If I am dying I want my baby by my side. I will use the last of my strength to punch the social worker and take my daughter back. She is young enough that she won't know the difference, but at least I can hold her while I bleed to death at the side of the road. The social worker can use my ID to contact my husband and HE will pick up my daughter. There will be no foster care.

    If they are taking away my daughter on suspect of abuse the only thing the social worker needs to know is she better have a d**n good claim for wrongfully removing my child because my lawyer will be on her *** with a huge lawsuit for psychological damages within an hour. My daughter would be returned within 2 hours. I will put her to bed.

  3. 1.  Don't mention the word bottle.  He's finally done with it.

    2.  He likes his blue marshmallow blanket, he's had it since birth.

    (I keep a copy of Bradley's shot records and medical history in his diaper bag)

  4. thanks for the heads-up ... two of my three have cystic fibrosis and have to take enzymes with meals ... although the bottle of meds might be in the bag, do you know which child is which??

  5. I'm kind of confused... I hope to h**l that I am never in this situation. but let's say there is a misunderstanding and I was (because I would NEVER mistreat my daughter)... I would probably tell them that she likes listening to Elton John when she goes to sleep. Kind of random but that is the first thought that came to mind. I'd want to pack something of mine so she could smell me. Oh...this is making me so sad just to think about how scared my little girl would be and how much she would scream for her mummy :(

  6. Um, what? Are you trying to sell me something ... ?

    If so, don't use the angle "omg your BABY IS BEING TAKEN AWAY RIGHT THIS MINUTE BECAUSE YOU ARE SUSPECTED OF ABUSE..." Doesn't set the right tone, if you know what I mean.

    edit: I don't even have a diaper bag.

  7. Good point. Thank you for the advise, well worth reading and I most definitely make an information sheet. I never thought of that.

  8. In my mom's group, we all received these stickers to put on the carseats that we could record important info such as emergency numbers, etc.

    We were told that in case of an accident, they would transport the child in the carseat if possible, and that in our area, they are trained to look on the carseat to see if the ICE (in case of emergency) card is on the seat.

    What we got is very similar to the W.H.A.L.E. program (and no, I am not selling it to you!!)

  9. My only answer are questions.  Why are you so paranoid?  Do you feel the need to try to tell others what they should do?  Is this from personal experience or just bs?

    Moms know what information to pack in their babies bag.  Please....there's no way you can right down everything they need for each moment.


  10. Wow.

    Thanks for the info.

    My girls don't go to daycare, and I don't carry a diaper bag, and they're never anywhere without me HOWEVER, I do have my stepfather's business card in my purse and my husband's business card in my purse along with Dad on the back and Grandfather on the back.  If I were ever killed in an accident and they survived I'd want their daddy or my mom notified.

    My girls don't have any special needs except to be back with their family ASAP.

    Good question!

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