
Lets say i'm 14 and pregnant.?

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This is hypothetical.

Lets say me and the boy who got me pregnant got caught twice before.

Not having s*x..Just messing around.

My parents are very understanding and forgiving...

My mother more so than my dad. She sees all sides of everything, the good and the bad. My dad basically only sees the bad. But with help he does eventually come around.

So the first time they let us off scott free. They just changed a few rules about us being alone.

The second time we were kept apart for about 2 months.

Lets say i got pregnant. From what you know about my parents personalities, how would they react if i said

1. I wanted to keep the baby.

2. I wanted an abortion.

3. I wanted adoption.

Do you think after a while the shock would pass and things might be okay again?

Do you think they could hold a grudge against me and this boy forever?

Do you think after I got the abortion, I would be completley cut off from this boy for good?

Would they let him be involved with the baby?

Thanks for your answers.




  1. well you shouldnt be having s*x at your age, stop having s*x and get on the pill if you must or the implant!

  2. I would be more worried about Social Services than about your parents and your boyfriend should be more worried about the police.


  3. ummm a normal parents reaction to this is

    have a heart attack go crazy u'll be screwed

    and 14 is wayy to young 16 is bad enough but 14 oh man parents reaction would be twice as bad

    and idk if'll u live for abortion and to give it away cause ur parents will porbaly killl u and not t mention ur 14 year old  body cant handle having a baby so it would leave to serous medicaly problems

    but its a good thing ur not pregnant :)

  4. at 14 yes they would come around but there are beter and more fun things you could do aside from and instead of s*x

    if your mom got you bc then she knows it is a possibility that pg could happen you need to talk to her if you think you are you need dr. early at your age for youur sake and health pg is h**l on body particulary young body

  5. Stop having s*x! a 14 year old cannot make the choices necessary for raising a child.  Your parents would end up raising it, you aren't even old enough to have a job...I do understand and I know that you don't understand you will not be with this same boyfriend in even a year, it would be horrible to through a baby in the let's not mention AIDS and all the other LIFE ALTERING diseases that you could contract.  What your parents think about you being pregnant is not what you should be worried about.  Diseases and ruining your life, being connected to the guy for an additional 18 years after things don't work out....seriously you're not just "having fun" you could royally s***w up your life.....and if you're still concerned with what your parents think ASK THEM.

  6. no matter what u decide they will be disapointed and pissed.

  7. i think you could be asking about yourself here, you have been to specific to just be a general question.

    if i was you i would speak to mum who is the understanding one and maybe mum coul talk to dad about it and let them come to terms with it, i certainly wouldnt have an abortion, you would regret it for the rest of your life, if you really didnt want the baby then adoption is an option.

    I wouldnt be worried about what your parents would do regarding letting you two stay together, thats the least of the worries, the only thing to think about is the life of the baby inside you.

  8. oook well if you parents are that understanding i think they will let you decide whats in your heart to do so if you keep the baby they should support you and i feel you should leave the boy alone your in enough trouble any ways but its up to you

  9. well.. honestly.. im 17 and 15 weeks pregnant. my parents did freak out for a little bit but now they are very exited.. but.. because of ur age... they might tell u to get an abortion, i say, if its meant to be its meant to be, and its ur decision whether u want to keep it or not, honestly no matter what age u should keep it, its a very wonderful joy to know you will be a parent, i dont regreat being pregnant. and as for ur boyfriend they cannot keep him from being involved, BUT, maybe his parents will... so just talk to them and tell them whats up and what u want to do.

  10. Wow! Your brain is on high level.

  11. I think your dad would hit the roof at all prospects, but then come round, esp if you said you were keeping the baby.

    Your mum would be upset but advise that you should abort or keep it and she'll support you.

    Your dad may say you should get rid at first, but this wouldn't be his true feelings and he'd be gutted if you did. He'd want you to keep it.

    Neither would want you to adopt, as their grandchild would be given away.

  12. Whatever you do don't kill that innocent baby. It's not that sweet baby's fault that his/her parents happened to be irresponsible, immature, ****** up whackjobs.

    I think adoption is the best for everyone, and your mother will forgive you, and so will your father, after about a year.

  13. For such an involved question, it sounds as if you want to become pregnant. Please be careful.

  14. CONGRATS!!!!!!

    another child having a baby!!!  

  15. 1.) I think most parents wouldn't want the child to keep the baby because it would interfere with the 14 year old' education.

    2.) Most parents will disagree when comes to abortion.

    3.) Most parents would see adoption as the most reasonable option and they would probably carry it out.

  16. Yeah, I think after the shock of it, everything would be fine. I think they would let him be involved because he is the babys father. And really they can't make that decision. You shouldn't get an abortion, because your parents seem really understanding and I think eventually they would support you.

  17. Lets hypothesise and say you were having s*x with your bf and he got put into jail for it and locked up for a long long time

  18. If you are on birth control, how come you have had some scares lately. Either you are using contraception or you are not! You are ten yrs too young to even consider the consequences of taking these risks. Get yourself some proper contraception and if you are going to continue having an adult like relationship then GROW UP!!!!!

  19. Hmmmmm just USE BIRTH CONTROL> You are too young to have a baby, and your parents have already done their time raising kids- wouldn't be fair for them to raise their irresponsible teenaged daughter's baby, too.

  20. Why don't you keep your legs closed for at least two more do realise that it is illeagal for you to have s*x at fourteen. Why are you in such a hurry to grow up? Why don't you just enjoy being a kid while you can? Being an adult sucks most of the time with all the responsiblity and worry...bringing a baby into the world at your age is ridiculous and totally irresponsible. And by the way abortion is not there as a reason for you to be able to have s*x and not suffer the consequences of teen age pregnancy

  21. They wouldn't let you be with this boy ever again...for all three things.  They most likely wouldn't want you to keep it.  They would hold  a grudge against you forever if you did.  I think if this was true...they would like you to get an abortion or adoption.  But for your sake, i would get an abortion so you don't have to go to school with a baby.

    And if you are really 14 and have had a few should just stop.  Honestly, you shouldn't be having s*x at that age.

  22. i think ur dad should knock you out and kill the boy.

  23. There are too many variables in this scenario, dear.

    Talk to your parents. They love you, and want whats best for you. At first they might be angry that you did not listen to their warnings & rules, because this is exactly what they wanted to prevent from happening. But eventually the hurt you've caused them will subside, and they will sit down with you and rationally talk over the situation and your options.

    Good luck, this will not be an easy choice. Even though, you know, you're "not" pregnant and all.

  24. Please do not take this as lecture mode and just really think about what I am about to say.  Sweetie you really are too young to be envolved with s*x and everything that comes with it.  i think it's great that you are responsible enough to use birth control but it is never

    %100 effective.  Your parents should be the least of your worries as if they are loving parents they will love you no matter what.  they will I'm sure be dissapointed in you but more for you.  You are the one that will really suffer. A baby CAN be a wonderful experience in the right circumstances.  With a 14 yr old mother you AND your baby would not have much of a chance at anything great.  You would both deserve more.  That choice is up to you.  No more parties, mall , hanging out with friends, cool clothes ect...everything has to go to your baby first.  It's a HUGE deal and a major life change.  With that being said, you are putting yourself at risk for STD's.  Alot of them stay with you for life and some will take your life.  Having s*x is not just's a really big responsibility. I know it's hard to stop once you've started but if you and your boyfriend care at all for eachother you will make the decision to stop having s*x and give yourselves a chance to be young.  Stop trying to grow up so fast it only gets harder.  Good luck hun!

  25. as you said if your parents are that understanding to see all sides to ur mistake i think they would make you keep the baby. using it as a learning experience. like parents do they will be extremely mad but eventually they will come around because of the baby. abortion is not a good decision i'm not for it but i don't down those who choice an abortion. parents of your style would definitely want the father to be in the babies life so that he can help with the responsibility of what he helped create. just from my point of view if you take all the precautions with having s*x at that age{ i'm not saing i'm for you having s*x at 14 but its good ur being safe about it] and still  get preguante be a little smarter and raise your child. only you can love that baby the way it needs and wants.


    if anyone wants to call people name then they are in the wrong place for it. this girl asked for advise not to be called names. people arent perfect so dont down her for being who she is. if you want to help help. if your here to be a child and call her names then don't comment to her or anyone else for that matter. grow the h**l up.

  26. i think if your not 14 and pregnant you shouldn't have to worry about your parents and my advice is to make sure that you don't end up being 14 and pregnant and if you do you do not get an abortion...


  28. Really can't answer this without actually knowing your family and what kind of morals they stand for. Are they pro-life or pro-choice? If I was your mother I would be angry at first then realize the baby is coming no matter what and help you raise it until you finished school. I would never allow my child to get an abortion or give her child away just to make society happy.

  29. First of all, you are 14 years old so you have a LOT of schooling left before you can support yourself and I'm assuming your boyfriend is the same age as you.  In seeing how you presented your parents, I think keeping the baby would not go over very well.  How would you and your boyfriend support a baby at 14?  Your not even old enough to work yet.  So basically the support of this child will be at the expense of your parents unless the boys parents stood up for their son's mistakes.  I would definitely lean on the fact that your parents would prefer adoption or abortion.  I can't really say which one of these they would prefer because I don't know how they stand on these issues.  However, you better NOT get pregnant.  I'm glad your mom was smart enough to get you on birth control...just stay on it and keep your priorities toward having fun and going to school for now.  

    As far as letting you keep seeing your boyfriend, I would imagine they would think it wasn't such a great idea if either of you could not be responsible enough or mature enough to handle the adult relationship you have put yourself in to.  I would be willing to bet that his parents wouldn't like it much either.

  30. A few points: YOU ARE 14 STOP HAVING s*x!!!

    secondly: Use condoms as well as a BC pill!!

    Thirdly if you do not know how your parents would react then that should show you that you couldn't cope with being pregnant and that in turn says as you are not ready to have a kid you are not ready to be having s*x.  

    If you still want to have s*x then get a grip and stop fretting.

    And before you start getting annoyed at this reply trust me when I say I have more experience in this matter than you could ever know at the moment.

  31. You say you are on birth control yet have had a few pregnancy scares lately..doesn't sound like you are old enough to be having s*x if you can't even protect yourself well.

    It sounds like your father has the right idea and you and your mother seem to keep on at him until you wear him down.  He's the one looking out for your interest.  If you decided to keep the baby who is going to look after it?...YOUR MOTHER AND FATHER.  who is going to buy all the stuff it needs?....YOUR MOTHER AND FATHER AND THE REST OF US.

    What the F**k you doing having s*x at 14 anyway??

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