
Lets say today is the Tuesday, day 3. determine the day of the week it will be at the end of 215 days.?

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Lets say today is the Tuesday, day 3. determine the day of the week it will be at the end of 215 days.?




  1. week 32

    215/7 = 30.x*x

    5 days + 3 days = 1 week  + 1 day

    so it is the first day of the 32nd week

  2. 215/7 = 30.7

    30 weeks + .7 (week)

    .7 (7) = 5

    It will be 30 weeks past your week, plus 5 days.

    Ends up being Sunday, the 1st day of the 32nd week.

  3. sunday = 1, monday 2, tuesday 3, wednesday 4, thursday 5, friday 6, saturday 7.

    now divide 215 by 7, then 6, then 5 and so on until you get a number with no decimals.  215 divides by 5 43 times.  Therefore, it will be a thursday.

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