
Lets say you have an old friend who is really starting to annoy you?

by  |  earlier

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do you think it's right to be honest and come out and say it, to let the friendship fade, or something different?




  1. i would try to talk to that friend because sometimes it's easier than it sounds but you should try to say it nicely and in a way that wouldn't make them mad or anything

    i had a friend that was becoming really mean and stuff but i just told her that she should stop and stuff and she realized what she was doing and said sry

    if he or she really wanted to be ur friend then he would try to stop be annoying to you

    sry if this is confusing but hoped i helped

  2. let the friendship fade. start drawing urself away from that friend or it will get worse and then u'll prob end up blowing up at that friend.

  3. the best thing for you to do is just tell them straight out. the more you hold in in the more you start to feel guilty. just tell them and if they try to change they really want to be ur friend. but if they flip out and don't even try to listen to what you have to say just let it fade either they'll come to their senses eventually or they just will be losing a great friend. trust me never keep anything from ur friends!! you will regret it in the end.  honesty is the best way to go. hope i helped....

  4. I'm in a similar situation and it's gotten annoying because this person is a compulsive liar and I have confronted her about her lying many times but all I get is "Would you stop it", so yes I'm letting it fade away because I no longer trust this person. If you're annoyed it will only bring negative energy into your life and trust me you don't need a friend who does that

  5. Friends come and go, for reasons but it started ending when the situation got to the point of non communication- either way you might try saying something and put the friendship through the test and let the chips fall where they may. Unless everything is phony from the beginning whether is you or them

  6. I don't think you should just come out and say that they are annoying, because since you were friends you obviously care about how they feel. I would just try to distance myself a bit. I had a similar situation recently. You want to end your friendship on good terms so no one looks back on it at regrets anything. Just don't call as much and I guarantee you that they will sense that you don't mesh anymore and find new friends.

    Best of luck

    All my loving,


  7. Try to understand the root cause of the annoyance.  Saying your friend is annoying is vague.  Evaluate what is bothering you and if the reason is something your friend can or should change.

    I've abandoned several friendships rather than confront the issues and I've regretted the decision at times.  However, some friendships are destined to fade away.

    Good luck.  It's not an easy issue.

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