
Lets see how smart you are. Could you make good decisions?

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An Alien race lands on planet earth. They are friendly and we get along just fine. They tell us that they can't share the technology they have with humans because its written in a treaty in outer space not to share tech with species that haven't achieved a certain status yet. However, they say the reason for their visit is that they will need the DNA from every living mosquito on the face of the planet and they will need to take with them every living and dead specimen. Therby extincing the mosquito. Do you agree or tell them NO WAY?




  1. Agree for sure!  Goodbye annoying bites and the spread of many tropical diseases.  Sorry bats, eat something else.

  2. I would explain how the mosquito, though annoying to us, is essential in the food chain/web of life.  Their larvae feed countless small fish, who in turn feed larger fish, etc. Because of this they cannot take take them.

  3. agree

    we don't need the mosquitoes

  4. id tell them     go for it.

  5. I would say no but they can take my mother in law

  6. i wouldn't tell them 2 go away  because they themselves would go away knowing that it is not possible...... even the WHO is not able to give the exact track records going on in this world then how will the aliens will....after all humans are the most developed species in this universe

  7. If they plan to kill off the mosquito species, no for sure.

    If the mosquito species will still survive and be replaced, maybe.

    If the mosquito species are as good as extinct, no.  Eliminating a species from the Earth can have a tremendous role on ecosystems everywhere.  The niche left by the mosquito would be empty.  Another organism would need to fill the role or ecosystems would suffer.  Not to mention this would reduce biodiversity.  Also, taking every single specimen would be highly illogical and is not necessary for genetic sampling.

  8. tell them "No way".  Mosquitos are a huge food source for birds, bats, reptiles, amphibians, fish, etc.  We would have a lot of mass extinctions going on if we lost all our mosquitos.

  9. yea cuz misquitos r a pain.

  10. what time did these aliens arrive?

  11. NO way! DNA from even misquitos could give them the bio-weapons that coul eliminate the human race quitely no fuss no muss just a bunch of chumps dead and an end of the evolutionary line for US.

  12. ummm i have no idea?

  13. no way

  14. No I would not let them take all the mosquitoes. Why can't they just collect samples of mosquitoes from different habitats. Clone them and record all the genotypes and phenotypes and allilic frequencies.

    If mosquitoes are gone, the balance in the food chain would be disrupted. Birds and fish that depend on mosquitoes as a food source will also die.

  15. I would say no way. In the first place, along with the living and dead mosquitos and their DNA, they most likely would have the DNA of a heck of a lot of HUMANS which the mosquitos imbibe via human blood. So who knows what the 'friendly' aliens are truly trying to do? Are they planning on re-creating the human race with a few tweaks? Are they trying to learn our strengths, weaknesses, what they can use to overtake us in the long run? Are they trying to create a race of human slaves? Just what are they trying to do that they cannot at least give us a hint or tell us whom to contact to review that treaty? Second, I'd have my scientists try to come up with as many possible positive and negative scenarios for what the 'friendly' aliens might have in mind.

    Third, while most people, myself included, would love to eradicate the lowly mosquito, all life and organic matter on Terra Firma (aka Earth) relates to all other life and organic matter on Terra Firma. For thousands of years no one had any idea what the use of common houseflies could be (especially me!). Recently, those housefly maggots have been found to eat the diseased, gangrenous parts of human flesh while at the same time encouraging new, healthy flesh to regrow! Who knew?

    So, someplace, somehow, those mosquitos might be serving human and other life on this planet. Who knows what that service might be? They could have impact on the evolution of DNA and adaptation of animals and plants on Earth. They could help with our immunity for certain physical infections or illnesses-perhaps the flu? We don't know enough about our own planet, at least on a genetic if not sub atomic level to be giving away any thing on this planet that we are NOT certain has no use.

  16. Is there a correct answer? I say no, because of the so called "butterfly effect." However, I would not want to p**s off any aliens either.

  17. Even if every creature has a purpose on the planet which I am sure they do..Would you really refuse to help a civilization/race that is technolagicly more advanced than you and un predictable? they could destroy the whole of earth if we made them mad so I wouldn't risk it,besides the mosquitoes could leave their eggs right? or would that be condsidered leaving mosquito, but it would be in their larva stage?

  18. NO, each creature on this planet, whether I like it or not, has a purpose.  It may eat lesser creatures, or be food for larger creatures.  It may be necessary to pollinate or procreate for a particular reason even if I don't understand that reason. Eliminating all mosquitos would upset the balance of nature and over the long range help destroy our lives as we know them

  19. no,it would ruin the food chain.

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