
Letta resists and defies Renzi

by  |  10 years, 10 month(s) ago

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Enrico Letta said that since he became president of the Government of Italy, now nine months ago, has lived each day as if it were the last, aware that there were many from the beginning put a price on his head, starting with the ineffable Silvio Berlusconi, who was able to twist your hand as only Democrats know how to do, and ending with his teammate Matteo Renzi, the new secretary of the Democratic Party (PD), who in recent days seemed determined to snatch the chair. A maneuver that tried to conjure Letta yesterday presenting a new government program and publicly challenging Renzi: " If anyone wants to take my place, speak up."

The war is not over, as the meeting convened to address PD plans today to discuss the future of the Government, but Enrico Letta, the Italian media that some already parted his robe publishing the names of the hypothetical new government Renzi - has managed to bring grist to the mill of responsibility: "I am a man of institutions. And in my DNA does not break the commitment to service that contracted with the country. I want clarity, as the Italians want. Resignations should not be produced by maneuvers palace but the open. This is my proposal and also the intent that the discussion on the government to focus on issues and not on personalities, " Letta said waving a document of 57 pages called Impegno Italy (Commitment Italy) 2014.

Since Renzi was made two months ago, with the direction of PD, its harassment Letta has been systematic. The mayor of Florence has sought to convey that the Government - supported by his party, Angelino Alfano New center-right and centrist Civic - Scelta was slow and ineffective. The pressure in recent days stepped up to the point that many took for team clinched the current government and indicated three possible outputs: a large restructuring of the Executive keeping the prime minister, a relief operation in the figure - and Renzi last occurred between Massimo D' Alema and Prodi of dire consequences - or a new call for elections. A last option yesterday flatly rejected the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano: " No nonsense say " settled.

The success of the maneuver Letta, who supported its new program to fight unemployment and strengthening the still weak economic growth depends, however, on what you decide the direction of PD today. It will be where Renzi decide whether to charge or keep the piece and still alive.

 Tags: defies, Letta, Renzi, resists


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