1997= first HPBP, 1927=NZDS begun, 1922= D of T of KT, 1990= O and TCC removed from C, 1935= W begins on the HT, 1959= AHB opens, 1492= CS the OB, 1940= B of B, 1953= EH and STCE, 1,000,000= B in a M, 96k=L of NMB, 1931= NE, 4= E on a JJ, 1984=N by GO, 1963=PKK by LHO, 1985=RWBU, 1945=ABD on H, 1982=FW, 1837=QVS to the T, 1.5=P of WODT, 3=CW in a HT, 8=G of QEII, 1080=PUANA, 1893=WS, XXVII=T, 50=B in D, 1973=CT begins, 1928=AF discovers P, 5=P in CB, 2= L on a P of T
I.e.52=C in a P is 52 cards in a pack.