
Letter from suicide?

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a friend of mine committed suicude almost 6 months ago. another friend of mine said that her sister had talked to her mom [the friend that commited suicide] and apperently she found letters to people that she had written before she took her life. she says she just doesnt know who there to. im almost positive if there are letters id have one. i talk to her mom and visit her and stuff, but i dont know if i should even ask if its true about there being letters.




  1. Suicide is very hard on parents and siblings. I would do nothing other than be supportive of the family. I realize she was your friend, you miss her, and you want to know what she had to say, but it truly is more of a matter for her family to handle than anyone else.

    Suicide is very hard to understand and it's just so incredibly hard for the family left behind. Sometimes parents enjoy visits from their kids' friends so it would be nice of you to visit, but say nothing about the suicide itself or the letters.

    Hope that's helpful.

  2. I wouldn't ask about it.  Let her mom grieve.  If she feels the time is right, she'll find out who the letters are for and give them to them.  On the other hand, if the letters weren't delivered by your friend, maybe she didn't want the letters to actually go out.

  3. they could be very personal and perhaps her mother doesn't believe the letters should be shared

  4. Suicide a so hard on everyone it touches, family and friends.  First, I want to give you my heartfelt sympathy.  I've been in your shoes, more than once.  It hurts a lot and for a very long time.  Know that you could not have prevented this.  If someone is determined to do this, they will find a way.  I'm very sorry for your loss and the pain you're going through.


    I would continue to stay in contact with her mom.  Many people stay away from someone grieving such a loss, because they don't know what to say or do.

    I would only ask about these letters, if it feels like the right thing to do, otherwise I'd forget it.  I know you want answers, but no matter what the letters (if they exist) say, you'll never have a valid reason for the suicide.  My belief is that the person isn't in their right mind, or they wouldn't have killed themselves.

    The suicides that have touched my life, have taught me plenty.  This will teach you a lot that can be a positive for your life and how you relate to others.

    It  takes time to heal.  A lot of time.

  5. my dad past away from heart faliure a week ago and i am so depresed i cant go outside but i want to help other pl like u.. but i wouldnt ask they r probualy personal

  6. My twin brother commited suicide, and I know that there is a letter out there, but since he was in Iraq when this happened, I can't get it from the Military.  I would go visit her mom, and see where the conversation goes.  It helped me, and still does to talk to my brother's friends.  Sometimes people stay away not knowing what to say, but the fact they are there it speaks volumes.
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