
Letter problems?

by  |  earlier

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i send this guy a letter who i like a lot and im not sure if his parents read it or not but they knew about it and they are kind of way over the top. but anyways the guy i like is a little bit mad and doesnt want to talk to me and i dont think his parents are too thrilled but they dont know me personally so wat should i do




  1. Sounds like your chances with this guy are shot.  The parents have a case of "Aww... my little boy is growing up."  You can let things cool down in a week or so.  I have to agree with the first poster though.  You're a little too young to be dating.  Wait until you are about 16.  I know a girl who started dating while in 8th grade.  It got so bad that it seemed like she almost NEEDED to be in a relationship to feel good about herself.  I don't think she ever was able to "mature" relationship-wise.  None of the guys she dated were worth it in the end either.  Turned out to be very unhealthy for her with all the emotions involved.

  2. You should forget about him, stop writing letters to boys,. and just wait till you are old enough to have a boy friend. That would be in 6 more years.

  3. You will never be able to attract a boyfriend by calling, writing, or  chasing them in any way.  Now is the time to learn how to be freinds with boys.  it takes a lot of don't be in a big rush.

    talk to your dad about this.  Ask him how to interact with boys you like.  He will help you and protect you.
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