
Letter to Spirit Airlines. Suggestions on the letter or on what else can be done in this case?? Thanks!!?

by  |  earlier

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The letter can be seen at the following site. Thanks again!!




  1. good letter:D  I would recommend about 2 weeks after sending it that you call and follow up with them.  I would also call the airport and ask for the on duty manager of Spirit airlines.  If they are unwilling to listen, ask for their boss.  Be persistant, eventually you will get someone willing to listen.

    Good luck!

  2. i dont get it.

  3. You don't even have a legitimate gripe.  You arrived far too late for this flight.  Every airline requires that you arrive at least 2 hours before an international flight departs.  It is wholly your fault that you missed this flight, so you should be responsible for any additional costs.  

    Check the link below most of these people had legitmate complaints and Spirit could have cared less.

    Spirit sucks, but i am glad you had some good experience with them.  You might have had again had you arrived ON TIME.

  4. the reason you were not on the flight is that you arrived late to check in the gate closes for a reason at that time .as the weight of the AC needs to be established and bags ,number of pax etc .just because you came early for the flight 53 Min's i think you said that's the time not plane leaves the airport not the time you show up .so its your error not the airlines .you cant just go to the aircraft at that time as its two late .its your responsibility to check the time check in closes and the gate normally closes 10 Min's before departure .sorry but its your fault and the check in agent acted appropriately as you did turn up late.the supervisor would have told you the same thing  and its the captains descression to let you on board and normally they will not saying this to be harsh im saying it as i know from first hand experience i work for an airline and have a lot of experience with this

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