
Letter to the judge...?

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I am in a serious divorce/custody battle in relation to domestic abuse. I currently have and Order of Protection against my ex for myself and one against him for my child. My ex has supervised visitation and I want it to remain in place for the safety of my son. My ex has lied about being abusive to both my son and I, and his attorney is doing everything possible to paint the picture of him being a great husband/father. I will be back in court next week. However, my ex's lawyer sent a letter to the judge just a few days prior to our court date. The letter was slanderous and argued for the judge to take pity on my ex and allow unsupervised visitation, and to drop the Orders of Protection. This is such an underhanded tactic by my ex's lawyer to get the judge on his side ahead of our court date, but my question is.... What bearing will this letter have, if any, on the judge and his decisions for this case? Thank you.




  1. If you have strong evidence to prove his abusive nature, the judge will see through the letter as an attempt to persuade the court.

    I am curious if you have a lawyer representing you, similar to your husband and why you're not working with him to protect your rights. A good lawyer would have sent a rebuttal to this letter. You should make sure the lawyer you have is working for your best interest and you don't end up losing because you representation isn't as savvy as your husbands.

  2. The Judge needs real undisputed proof.  

    The Judge hears all kinds of stories and tales from everybody.

    Prove, without a doubt, everything you can.

    If you know what he told the Judge - get proof to dispute everything he said.

    PROOF .. speaks louder than words.

  3. That's standard practice to make him look good and for you to look bad.  Just make sure that you present all of your evidence of abuse to the judge and that your attorney contest the letter immediately.

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