
Letting Love go. 10 POINTS FOR INSIGHT!!?

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My gf and I broke up around a month ago after 2.5 years due to a mutual need to get out and experience life apart for a while as we are only newly 19 and the seriousness of our relationship was beginning to scare both of us. Our love for each other was never doubted, its just sometimes love is not enough, and the lack of a life outside each other began to produce problems even love could not solve. We saw each other 5-6 days a week, talked 2.5 hours on the phone every night, and lost touch with friends.

After the original break-up (she broke up with me) we met up several times as she was regretting breaking up with me. These meetings would contain around 15 minutes of being friends, and then old feelings would come up again and we would be hugging and cuddling and all the good, depressing stuff. It is clear that we both still care VERY much for each other and 3 days ago we decided that we need to stop meeting up for good, else we may end the relationship on bad terms instead of good, and destroy any future we hold with each other. We have a ton in common, have a very strong spark between us, and just developed a relationship that was comfortable on a level that somewhat terrified us.

My problem is before we had the "talk" I got discount tickets to the city Zoo, as we had always wanted to go there together. Now I don't know whether to just return them (as I couldn't imagine going with anyone else yet) or let her know I have them. I have a feeling that If we meet up, the last 3 days of crying and missing her like h**l will have been for waste and it probably won't help the situation in the long run. She's coming to my school next year (University of Toronto), but the campus is huge and we probably wont see each other if we choose not to. This whole situation is just extremely difficult and the wide variety of communication methods of modern-day-society makes it even worse.

Anyone been in a similar situation?




  1. im going through the same thing.  me and my boyfriend broke up a few weeks ago and we made it official last week.  he thought that we were getting too serious and that we need time apart to see what we really want to do because we both lost feelings for each other.  he also said that he wanted to date other people but he refuses to go out with other girls.  i encourage him to go out with other girls so that he knows what he really wants:  to be with me or to be with other girls.  we go through the same thing; we argue and fight then end up making up hugging or cuddling.  i'm still going through this dilemma =/

  2. ive somewhat been in the same situation except im just a little younger than you. my bf and i broke up several times. we would try to just hang out as friends as you said feelings would come back and we would end up back together. we went out for same amount of time you had with your gf. Its real hard letting someone you love go because you cant control who you love,but you can control how you love..

    if you really love and care for her then get back with her. divide up the time make time for friends and girlfriend. take a break every so often just say okay tonights the guys and girls night out. that sort of thing do that like twice a week so that way your love doesnt wear thin and  you dont lose contact with friends.

    i really hope this helps..

    good luck.



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