
Letting some one ride my horse?

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Ok so I have a 12 year old mare who was a barrel racer, in the 5 months I had her I re-trained her to be a pleasure horse for showing and she has gone so far. wella t the end of fair i desided that i was going to do gameing on her instead. so Then we buaght a 3 year old that i could finish training and use for showing. well Im not going to be able to game my mare for about 4 months, and i find it hard to ride both horses. I was thinking about seeing if i could find a begginer that would like to come and ride my mare about twice a week, and i would give basic lessons. Im only 15 but I can teach some one the basic rideing stuff, plus more. It would be free for the person to come and ride, but there are a few things i would require: A lease form ( any one who rides at the abrn must sign one), they would have to clean teh horses stall and turnout days that they ride, theyw ould also have to clean the tack they use once a week. so basicly they would get free lessons and get to ride a horse for free. does this sound fair?

but then i was thinking about letting this girl who lives with the owner of the barn ride my horse, becuase she knows the basics in rideing and I think i could trust her with my horse. or my aunt ( well she is my uncles girlfriend) said thats he always wanted to ride and she had never got the chance so I was thinking about seeing if she wanted to ride, but she just ahd a baby.




  1. If you ride at a barn with an instructor or something, I'd let the horse be used in lessons so a professional could teach them how to ride.

    Or lease it to an advanced beginner. You could give them tips on how to ride your horse (I get tips/lessons from another girl at my barn who is amazing on how to ride. It helps a lot because in lessons you can't exactly tell your trainer what you want to work on.) That way you can feel safe with someone riding your horse because they have ridden before, but need more practice.

    I'd get that girl who knows the basics ride your horse. It's the safest option for both the rider and the horse and for your conscience (just in case they ruin your horse or fall or something). I am glad you are letting someone get the great opportunity to ride!  

  2. Not sure of what your exact question is, but I think at 15, you are too young to sign a legal contract.  

  3. You're better off getting someone more experienced to loan the horse. You aren't qualified to teach a beginner and believe it, it ain't as easy as it sounds! The legal implications if they hurt themself would be unreal as you aren't insured to teach (as you aren't qualified).

    Put an ad up in the local tack shop or something.

    ADD: You're not saving any time by getting a beginner - you have to spend that time teaching them so why not just spend it riding?

  4. let who you want. like the girl that lives with your trainer, and you can teach your "aunt" on the days the little girl isnt out

    makes sense

    i think your offer is amazing. id take it if i wasnt getting a horse in a month

    its a free way to ride, most ppl will take it

  5. like the others said except for the unfair but they proballoy would have to sighh a contract saying any injurys r not ur fault  

  6. Letting someone ride your horse is a lawsuit waiting to happen unless you have a legal lease, Just letting someone who has never ridden get on your horse is asking for trouble. A few lessons won't teach a beginner an emergency stop.  She might also teach your horse habits that you just as soon they didn't learn.  I don't know what I would do but I would be very careful about the legal aspects of the situation

  7. i think that sounds like an unpassable deal actually... you seem to have things under control.. good luck with your three year old.

  8. well i don't think it would be there response ability to clean the horses stall i think that is yours but i think it would be a wise chose to go with the barn owners daughter. they can clean there tack and turnout but in my opion they shouldn't have to clean the stall it is your horse and they are just looking to ride and not do all that cleaning and stuff

  9. Um.. I think that any of that sounds fair. It's really your choice.

    Sorry, I didn't help much.

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