
Letting them whine?

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what do you do when you LO is whining to be picked up and you are busy doing the dishes or making dinner. not crying, but just the "pick me up mom" whine?

I try to sing and dance to entertain her, because I dont think holding a baby near a hot stove is a very good idea.

what do you do?




  1. My son is 6 months old, there isn't much i can do to make him happy.  I try putting his bouncey in view of me so i can TRY to entertain him, lol like dance and talk real goofy...but that usually doesn't work, so i have to let him whine until the stove is off.

  2. It depends on the age.  When Sophie was under a year, it was easier to alternate holding her (I'd wear her and turn my body away from the stove to stir soup or pasta), and sitting her in her high chair or bouncer with toys and food.  :)

    Now that she's 22 months, it's gotten easier at times.  I give her books to read, and she often plays well on her own.  The rough times, when she's fussier, I pause my cooking or dishes and sit with her for a bit.  Often a little nursing and cuddles does the trick, and I can finish up with no more whines!!

    Good luck!

    **A back carry can really come in handy at times like that!  :)

  3. I make up stupid songs to sing that start out very cheerful and happy, but end with something like "I am going insane, insane, la, la, la!" These are also the songs that I sing in the car when the baby is crying. I have developed quite a collection, lol.

    Seriously, I don't believe in letting a baby cry purely on the principle that babies "need" to learn how to soothe themselves, but life is such that I can't always be there to pick him up. I think as long as you are making a connection - singing, talking, making faces, etc... - then it is fine.

    EDIT: And I also give food. Or toys. In this house, we aren't against too many things that will buy us a minute to get something else done.

  4. Honestly, I do something that probably some don't agree with, but I give her a snack. There really isn't anything else that will work. When she wants something she wants it right then and there and will not stop whining. She will stop doing anything for food though. ha :)

    Deb - Haha. She loves her food! I can't help it.

  5. I hand him an interesting cooking spoon or what not and make it seem exciting. Today I used a whisk.

  6. to be honest, I have got in the habit of just picking him up, and i need to stop because the times that i just let him whine and cry, he's usually over it in 2 or 3 minutes.

    i guess depending on the age of your child, let him/her cry if you're certain they're fine and just crying to be held. they'll be okay. comfort them when you're done doing what you're doing.

  7. Whining is not tolerated in my house.  When my son first started doing it I told him whining is not allowed and just ignored him, pretended he wasn't there at all and went about my business.  If it got really bad and in my way I sent him to his playroom or another room in the house and told him to come back when he was done.

    When it's the baby I let her play on the floor where she can't see me, sometimes with a video on.  I've realized that if she can see me she's more likely to complain and want to be picked up.  Don't feel like you have to respond to whining, because then they learn that it's ok to do that!

  8. Normally when he is fussing when I cook or doing the dishes either daddy takes him OR I put him in his highchair and give him a few raisins or some other light snack that won't ruin his appetite and keep him close to me..I also turn on some music and we "sing" together as I continue to do what I am doing...

    LMAO JESS- We do the SAME thing and he is the SAME give him food and he is your bestest buddy in the world!!!

    To the person with no name: I feel sorry for your kiddos...Ignoring them when all they want is a little attention is just wrong..

  9. I would put them in a chair at the  sink and help me wash dishes or i give him a spoon and a bowel and set him on the floor out of the way like  they are making something explain what you are doing and that you are busy and after you are finished you will pick them up or even take a few and bend down give a hug or pick up sometimes that even fixes they mommy mommy thing.  don't hold her and try to cook that is just asking for problems.

  10. I stick my son (18 months) in his high chair with a car or teddy to talk to, and have him in the kitchen with me - then I talk to him about what I'm doing... so stuff like "Now I'm chopping up tomato to put in the salad - do you like tomato? I know you do, it's yummy, isn't it?"

    This usually distracts him enough that I can get stuff done without him wanting to be picked up or pushing between me and the stove/bench.

    Good luck! It's frustrating trying to get things done and having to be the distraction too :-)

  11. depends how old they are..if they are like 6+ months then there is no reason to drop everything because they are whining for you.  I do the singing dancing thing too...I have to do it to get her to eat UGH LOL!

  12. If all my tries are worn out and nothing is working (highchair with toys or snacks works the best), sorry but it comes down to letting them whine, but not ignoring them, chatting with them, adoring them, talking about how when you are done you are going to hold them so close, etc.! I am pretty AP, but if something needs to get done (like cooking or washing dishes, vacuuming not a biggie on my list though) baby will need to wait. But when I am done, I squeeze the baby with all my heart and shower her with kisses and tell her how much I love her and so on!

  13. I let her whine, and even cry. sometimes you just have to get things done
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