
Letting your hamster run free????

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I have a hamster that I love. Her name is Fiesty and she's a teddy bear hamster. I have read many articles about hamsters and many books. Some say thatletting your hamster out without supervision. My hamster has exscaped quite a few times and has been found at very weird places but she always seems to come back in a short amount of time. I was wandering if maybe letting my hamster go out with everything dangerous such as wires and things she can climb up on would be a good idea. I know it can be a dumb idea but Fiesty is a smart hamster that always seems to come back when I call her name. In one article that i read it said,"Put you hamsters cage down on the floor.Make sure that everything that can be dangerous to your hamster is picked up and moved. Open your hamsters cage door and let it explor. Your hamster will return to its cage when it gets tired which will be around an hour." Give me your opinion so I'll know what to do.




  1. that's not a good idea.

    trust me.

    your hamster depends on you.

    if it gets shocked or eaten or stepped on by something it'll be on your shoulders.

    and youll have to live with that your whole life.

    if you want to let your hamster run free, get it a plastic ball that it can run around free in! but if you have stairs you might want to keep an eye on it.

    you can get a plastic ball at petsmart or petco or any other pet store that offers items for rodents.

    hope i helped.... and this is just my opinion and im just trying to help. i used to have a hamster but she was a chinese dwarf hamster. she loved to run in her plastic ball. i let her around the house all the time.

    i also let her play in the grass outside of my house in my yard.

  2. dont let it run free the cat might eat it.

  3. I would only let my hamster run free in a confined area, with those baby fences. No matter how much you hamster-proof your home, it can always find some poison to chew on.

  4. you can buy these fences that are huge- like 2 metres by 2 meters. just put it around the area you want and then set it free in there.

  5. i have a pet mouse that loves to run free, but we keep him in a hamster ball he runs around but he can't get lost, he loves it!

  6. first thing you need to grasp is that hamsters are fragile! but exploring your room could be fun. but always supiourvise him soon he wiil learn thta his home is the cage. and don't be fooled hamsters can run really fast when they want to.he can pry even fit under your door. my freinds hamster got run over by a door so be careful!!!!!good luck!

  7. i got two letters for u NO!!!!!

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