
Level of English needed?

by Guest62645  |  earlier

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I want to go to the USA or to Canada to study. I would like to know what level of english I need in order to get to college there. I just did this FCE exam and I got an A but I'm not sure if this is enough!

Does anyone know?




  1. I think it is really up to you, but you won't have anything to fall back on if you don't do well.  

  2. An A? I don't think they could ask for much more than that, and you seem to be pretty fluent...

    Good luck!

  3. Judging on your grammar and punctuation, you're already doing better than most Americans are in that subject.  I'd say you'd do just fine.  Ever thought of trying an online class first to see if you could make it?  Here in the USA, there are lots of colleges that offer online courses, which are virtually the same as sitting through the class.  You might give it a shot.  :)

    Good luck!

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